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STSTSCBMHRIM ELEV = 906.68NE INV 15" RCP = 900.54SUMP = 898.18CBMHRIM ELEV. = 913.40SE INV 12" = 909.25NW INV 12" = 909.35CBMHRIM ELEV = 915.16SUMP = 903.65NE INV 12" RCP = 908.32E INV 24" RCP = 903.59SE INV 4" RCP = 903.76SW INV = 903.68 <br />CBRIM ELEV = 906.55SW INV 12" RCP = 900.55STMH <br />RIM ELEV = 907.07 <br />SUMP = 895.84 <br />CB <br />RIM ELEV = 906.42 <br />E INV 12" RCP = 900.97 WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT WAT(80 FT. WIDE DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY)BLOCK 2LOT 2POHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPOHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX <br />X <br />XXXXX <br />X <br />POHPOHGAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS <br />PUGSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN SANSANSANSANSANSANSAN <br />WAT WATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWATWAT(60 FT. WIDE DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY) <br />40 608080606ƒ<br />(34.076ƒ<br />(6ƒ<br />(6ƒ<br />(1ƒ<br />(1ƒ<br />:9 <br />0 <br />8 9109 <br />1 <br />2 914916916 914914912914910912914 <br />9089 <br />1 <br />0 912914BITUMINOUS REMNANTSEXISTING BUILDINGEXISTING BUILDING EXISTING BUILDINGEX <br />I <br />S <br />T <br />I <br />N <br />G <br />BU <br />I <br />L <br />D <br />I <br />N <br />G <br />BITUMINOUS (POOR CONDITION) <br />2.1 <br />0.4 <br />3.4 <br />1.8 <br />2.3 <br />CENTERLINE OF VACATED SUNSET AVENUECENTERLINE OF COOLIDGE ST.NW'LY LINE OF LOT 2 &ITS SW'LY EXTENSION <br />20INGRESS & EGRESSEASEMENT PER DOC.NO. 6485698 (SCHD.B II ITEM NO. 5)N O <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> B <br /> U <br /> <br />I <br /> L <br /> D <br /> <br />I <br /> N <br /> G <br /> S <br /> <br /> <br /> O <br /> B <br /> S <br /> E <br /> R <br /> V <br /> E <br /> D <br />10. <br />5 OWNER: GERALDINE M FREIBERGOWNER: WALKER SENIOR HOUSING CORPOWNER: HANNAY HARRIS REAL EST LLCESTOSTO42" RCP <br />24" PVC <br />ST <br />O <br />ST <br />O 10 FT. SETBACK LINE PER ST. ANTHONY ZONING CODE10 FT. SETBACK LINE PER ST. ANTHONY ZONING CODE35 FT. SETBACK LINE PER ST. ANTHONY ZONING CODE <br />20 FT. SETBACK LINE PER ST. ANTHONY ZONING CODE <br />40 <br />40 <br />29.8 <br />29. <br />7 353510 <br />10 <br />202010 <br />10WAT43.66 125.081/2"OPENPIPE1/2"OPENPIPE1/2" OPENCAP NO. 184201/2"OPENPIPESTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTO STOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSTOSANSANSAN <br />STO1. This survey was prepared using Guaranty Commercial Title, Inc, issuing agent for Old Republic Title Insurance Company TitleCommitment Number 65847 having an effective date of October 2, 2020, 8:00 a.m.2. The address of the surveyed property is 2654 Kenzie Terrace, St. Anthony MN 55418. (Table A Item 2)3. Subject property appears to be classified as Zone X (area of minimal flooding) when scaled from Flood Insurance Rate MapCommunity - Panel Number 27053C0240F dated 11/4/2016. (Table A Item 3)4. Subject property contains 39,632 Sq. Ft. or 0.910 Acres. (Table A Item 4)6. Subject property contains 0 regular parking stalls, 0 handicapped stalls and 0 motorcycle stalls. (Table A Item 9)7. The underground utilities shown have been located from field survey information and existing drawings. The surveyor makesno guarantees that the underground utilities shown comprise all such utilities in the area, either in service or abandoned.The surveyor further does not warrant that that the underground utilities shown are in the exact location indicated althoughhe does certify that they are located as accurately as possible from information available. The surveyor has not physicallylocated the underground utilities. (State One Call Ticket No. 202870259). (Table A Item 11)8. As of the date the field work was completed for this survey, there was no observable evidence of current earth moving work,exterior building construction or building additions. (Table A Item 16)9. As of the date of this survey, there are no proposed changes in street right of way lines, based on a conversation with theproper official at Hennepin County. As of the date the field work was completed for this survey, there was no observableevidence of recent street or sidewalk construction or repairs. (Table A Item 17)10. Based on the information contained within title commitment listed above and a physical inspection of the subject property,the surveyor is not aware of any off site easements or servitudes other than shown hereon. (Table A Item 19)11. Bearings based on the Hennepin County coordinate system, (NAD 83 - 1986 Adjustment).12. Benchmark: Checked into MnDot 2783 X (Metal Rod with removable ID Disk). In Minneapolis, 1.0 mile southwest alongInterstate Hghway 35W from the junction of Interstate Highway 35W and St. Anthony Boulevard/Industrial Boulevard inMinneapolis, at Interstate Highway 35W milepoint 20.55, 30.2 feet south of the northbound Interstate Highway 35W fog line,22.2 feet north of the entrance ramp from NE Johnson Street to northbound Interstate Highway 35W, 60.8 feet west of lightpole number w5w 5, 1.5 feet east of a witness post. Elevation=878.36. (NAVD88)Lot 2, Block 2, St. Anthony Village Commercial Center Addition No. 1, Hennepin County, Minnesota.Together with that part of vacated Sunset Avenue lying northeasterly of the centerline of vacated Sunset Avenue, between theextensions southwesterly of the northwesterly line of said Lot 2 and the centerline of Coolidge Street.(Abstract Property)GENERAL NOTESLEGAL DESCRIPTIONThe following notes correspond to the numbering system of Schedule B II of the above mentioned title commitment.Items 1-4 are not survey matters.5. Access easement(s) over part of the Land as evidenced by Document No. 6485698. Said easements for ingress and egresspurposes affects the subject property and is depicted hereon.SCHEDULE B II TITLE ITEM NOTESSURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATETo: Bremer Bank and Guaranty Commercial Title, Inc. as issuing agent for Old Republic Title InsuranceCompany:This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance withthe 2016 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly establishedand adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1-5, 7(a)(b1), 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19 of Table A andapplicable parking and building setback thereof. The fieldwork was completed on October 26, 2020.Date of Plat or Map: 12/28/20            Nathan H. Carlson, PLSMinnesota License No. FOUND MONUMENT (AS NOTE)SET MONUMENT - LS 45873(NOT TO SCALE)VICINITY MAPSITELEGENDSOIL BORINGGUY WIRESANITARY MANHOLECATCH BASINPOWER POLEELECTRIC BOXSIGNSTEEL/WOOD POSTGATE VALVEHYDRANTSTORM MANHOLETELEPHONE BOXGASPOHPUGSANSTOWATSSTETXPOWER OVERHEADPOWER UNDERGROUNDWATERMAINSANITARY SEWERSTORM SEWERGAS LINEFENCE LINECURB & GUTTERCONCRETE SURFACEBITUMINOUS SURFACE©   Phone(952) 937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive, Suite #300Fax(952) 937-5822 Minnetonka, MN 55343Toll Free(888) 937-515013