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PL PACKET 11162021
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PL PACKET 11162021
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />October 19, 2021 <br />Page 2 <br />1 height in side and rear yards (behind the front building setback line), and 4 feet in front yards. <br />2 The applicant is proposing to extend the fence toward the Maplewood Drive property line, <br />3 into the setback area that requires a height of no more than 4 feet, but build it at the 6-foot <br />4 height. That encroachment of a 6-foot-high fence requires approval of a variance. <br />5 <br />6 Since the original application, the applicant has further refined the request, limited the <br />7 proposed fence encroachment, and added new materials that clarify the proposal for the <br />8 variance. In the initial review, the proposed encroachment would have been to within a few <br />9 feet of the front property line. That has now changed, with a proposed encroachment of <br />10 approximately 8 feet into the required setback. <br />11 <br />12 Mr. Grittman reviewed the variance criteria. The packet provided to the Commission included <br />13 a number of photographs submitted by the applicant. <br />14 <br />15 In reviewing the proposed improvements against the ordinance requirements for lot <br />16 development, and the considerations for variance, staff has changed its original <br />17 recommendations to approval of the fence height encroachment as newly proposed. <br />18 <br />19 Staff has reviewed for height, use, other setbacks and impervious surface on the lot, given the <br />20 new pool, pool deck, and existing rear yard shed. The applicant has reduced the size of the <br />21 proposed pool, and will be removing the existing shed to meet the impervious surface <br />22 standards of the code. <br />23 <br />24 Staff recommends approval of the requested (and amended) front yard fence height <br />25 encroachment variance at 3501 Maplewood Drive based on the following findings: <br />26 <br />A.27 The applicant is able to construct a swimming pool, pool deck, and privacy fencing within <br />28 the proposed 8-foot setback encroachment. <br />B.29 A pool of the size, along with any associated construction such as a pool deck, that would <br />30 encroach into the front yard will require additional verification of compliance with the <br />31 terms of the City’s impervious surface maximum for residential lots of this size. <br />C.32 The applicant can show unique conditions on the property that interfere with putting the <br />33 property to a reasonable residential use, with reasonable use being defined in this case as <br />34 the significant encroachments towards Maplewood Drive that exist on most of the <br />35 surrounding properties to the east and west. <br />D.36 Circumstances that would lead to variance approval are the result of the actions of prior <br />37 owners, and those owners in the neighborhood, and not the actions of the applicant. <br />38 <br />39 Mr. Grittman offered 3 alternative actions to the Planning Commission. <br />40 <br />41 Commissioner Morita asked about the requirement for having a pool being a 6-foot fence and <br />42 Mr. Grittman stated it is. The applicant’s intent is to surround the pool with a 6-foot fence. <br />43 The encroachment variance is what is being considered. <br />44 <br />45 Commissioner Rude asked how far east-west the encroachment would fun and Mr. Grittman <br />46 stated it is on the west side of the house. The variance is only on the west side of the property. <br />47
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