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The National Community Survey™ • © 2001-2020 National Research Center, Inc. <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />11. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? <br /> Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know <br />The City of Ramsey .............................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 <br />The Federal Government .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 <br />12. Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Ramsey community to focus on each of the <br />following in the coming two years. <br /> Very Somewhat Not at all Essential important important important <br />Overall economic health of Ramsey ....................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Overall quality of the transportation system (auto, bicycle, foot, bus) <br /> in Ramsey ...................................................................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Overall design or layout of Ramsey’s residential and commercial <br /> areas (e.g., homes, buildings, streets, parks, etc.) .....................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Overall quality of the utility infrastructure in Ramsey <br /> (water, sewer, storm water, electric/gas) ...................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Overall feeling of safety in Ramsey .....................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Overall quality of natural environment in Ramsey ......................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Overall quality of parks and recreation opportunities ...............................................1 2 3 4 <br />Overall health and wellness opportunities in Ramsey ...............................................1 2 3 4 <br />Overall opportunities for education, culture and the arts .........................................1 2 3 4 <br />Residents’ connection and engagement with their community .............................1 2 3 4 <br />13. To what extent are each of the following a source of information for you about Ramsey city government and <br />its activities? <br /> Major Moderate Minor Not a <br /> source source source source <br />City newsletter (Ramsey Resident) ......................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Local newspaper .........................................................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />City website ( .............................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Word-of-mouth ............................................................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Cable television (QCTV) ...........................................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />City employees .............................................................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Public meetings............................................................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />City social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) ...............................................1 2 3 4 <br />Video conference attendance of City meetings (e.g., Zoom, <br />Microsoft Teams, etc.) ..........................................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />14. Please indicate to what extent you support or oppose the city investigating the following changes to new or <br />existing amenities, each of which could accordingly result in a tax increase: <br /> Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly <br /> support support oppose oppose <br />Making improvements to existing/established parks ................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Building new parks ....................................................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Making improvements to existing trails ...........................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Building new trails .....................................................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Building a new community center ........................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />15. Please rate how important, if at all, you think each of the following priorities are for the City to focus on in <br />the next five years: Very Somewhat Not at all <br /> Essential important important important <br />Balancing rural character and urban growth (development patterns) ...............1 2 3 4 <br />Creating an active community (parks, trails, open space, recreation) ................1 2 3 4 <br />Creating a connected community (roads, trails, sidewalks, rail, <br />transportation) ........................................................................................................................1 2 3 4 <br />Creating financial stability for the City (stable tax rates) ..........................................1 2 3 4 <br />Providing quality public safety services (Police and Fire) ........................................1 2 3 4