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MEMORANDUM <br />To:Saint Anthony Village City Council <br />From:Nicole Miller, Assistant to the City Manager <br />Date:December 14, 2021 City Council Work Session <br />Request:Selection of Official Newspaper <br />BACKGROUND <br />Statutory cities must designate an official newspaper at the first meeting each year. The official newspaper is <br />used for the publication of ordinances and other matters that are legally required to be published. The official <br />newspaper should also be used for the publication of any other matters that the council deems to be in the <br />public interest. The official newspaper must be a legal newspaper of general circulation in the city. A.G. Op. 471- <br />G (Mar. 19, 1962). The attorney general has said that a statutory city may change its designation of an official <br />newspaper at times other than the first meeting of the year. <br />We are currently utilizing the Star Tribune as our official newspaper. Since we know that the newspaper is no <br />longer the main stream way for people to receive information we have added a page to our website where we <br />also post our notices in addition to our official newspaper. <br />Finance and Commerce offers lower rates than the Star Tribune and is a qualified newspaper to serve as our <br />official newsletter. <br />DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR COUNCIL FEEDBACK <br />Below are the specific items for discussion and feedback: <br />Does council wish to change to Finance and Commerce as the cities official newspaper? <br />Discuss other options for communicating with the public, ex: Add push notification group for <br />publications, use social media. <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />None