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<br /> <br />Description of the Request (OR a separate detailed narrative explaining the project): <br />__________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />__________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />__________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />__________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />__________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />__________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />__________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />__________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />__________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />__________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />Filing and Information Requirements <br />The City recommends that you contact the planner prior to submission to discuss the application process, requirements, <br />and deadlines. <br />Incomplete Applications and Submission Deadline <br />A complete land use application (including all required fees and escrows) must be received at least 30 days prior to the <br />meeting of the Planning Commission or City Council meeting at which the request will be heard. Submission of an <br />incomplete application may delay the processing of your land use request. The application approval time commences <br />and an application is considered officially filed when the City Planner has received and examined the application and <br />determined that the application is complete. A decision on whether the application is complete or incomplete shall be <br />made within fifteen (15) working days following the submittal of the application. When the application is deemed to be <br />“complete” it shall be placed on the agenda of the first possible Planning Commission meeting provided that all required <br />public notices have been sent and published. Upon submission of a complete application, state statute requires that a <br />decision be issued within 60 days regarding each request; however, a 60-day extension may be obtained if more time is <br />needed. <br />Notice of Meeting Attendance <br />In order for the Planning Commission and the City Council to consider any application, the applicant or a designated <br />representative must be present at the scheduled meeting. If not, the matter may be tabled until the next available <br />agenda. <br />Agenda Deadline and Meeting Schedule <br />Planning Commission meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m., while City Council <br />meetings are held typically the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Meeting dates and times are <br />subject to change so please contact City Hall to verify the meeting date and time. All meetings are held at the St. <br />Anthony Community Center in the Council Chambers, 3301 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, Minnesota 55418, unless <br />otherwise stated. Applications are advised that additional meetings and/or workshops are scheduled when necessary. <br /> <br />We are requesting to replace our exisitng dynamic display sign with a larger dynamic display sign. <br />We will comply with the following Dynamic Display Sign Code Requirements: <br />Every line of copy and graphics will be at least 7 inches in height. <br />The images and messages displayed will be static. <br />The messages will not change more often than once every 8 seconds (ROS Zoning District). <br />The images and messages displayed will be complete in themselves. <br />The messages will be monochromatic in color with a solid black background. <br />The dynamic display's illumination will not exceed 4,500 nits/daytime and 450 nits/night. <br />The transition from message to message will be instantaneous.