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<br /> <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION <br /> <br /> <br />To: City of Saint Anthony Village City Council <br />From: Charlie Yunker, City Manager <br />Date: September 28, 2021 City Council Meeting <br />Resolution: Adopt Amendment to the City Of St. Anthony Flexible Benefit Plan <br /> <br /> <br />OVERVIEW: <br />The City of St. Anthony provides employees the opportunity to pay for certain employee benefits, health care <br />costs and day care expenses on a pre- tax basis through an established flex benefit plan. (the “Plan”) <br /> <br />WHAT IS A FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN? <br />A Flexible Benefit Plan (a.k.a., “cafeteria plan”) is a written plan maintained by an employer that allows <br />employees the option to receive certain benefits on a pre-tax basis. The written plan must specifically describe <br />all benefits and establish rules for eligibility and elections. <br /> <br />EXISTING PLAN DOCUMENT <br />The City Council approved the latest restatement of the Plan at its regular meeting on January 10, 2017. The <br />League of Minnesota cities provided updated model language for basic plan document that describes the <br />various benefits the city may want to consider implementing as part of a cafeteria plan. Through the model <br />adoption agreement, cities select the appropriate benefits they want to offer to employees through the flexible <br />benefit plan and establish other plan rules specific to their own city. The basic plan document and the adoption <br />agreement together constitute "the Plan." <br /> <br />AMENDMENT TO THE PLAN <br />The City’s benefit provider, Further, provided the amendment language to comply with provisions of the <br />Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA) and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) and subsequent <br />guidance from the Internal revenue Service (IRS) and Department of Labor (DOL). These provisions allowed plans <br />to extend the time allotted to utilize plan dollars for up to one additional year when otherwise unable to do as a <br />result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, which the City has already functionally implemented. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff is recommending the adoption of the Plan Amendment. <br /> <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />• Flexible Benefits Plan Amendment <br />21