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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 18, 2022 <br />Page 7 <br />d.1 Other related issues. <br />2 <br />3 Staff will assemble comments from this initial discussion and prepare draft ordinance <br />4 language for consideration at an upcoming meeting. The Planning Commission will need to <br />5 hold a public hearing on that language prior to sending the material onto the City Council for <br />6 adoption. <br />7 <br />8 A copy of the current ordinance was included for Planning Commission consideration. Mr. <br />9 Grittman asked the Commission if they would prefer to give input at this time or wait until <br />10 Staff has suggested revisions to the Commercial/Industrial Code. <br />11 <br />12 Commissioner Morita stated he would be concerned about making changes at this point. <br />13 Commissioner Erickson agreed. Commissioner Erickson noted Mr. Grittman had asked if <br />14 commercial should be changed to include more office and he feels the office market is not <br />15 doing as well at this time. Commissioner Rude suggested promoting ownership rather than <br />16 rentals. There is no incentive for low-cost housing. Pride of ownership is lacking in rental <br />17 units. <br />18 <br />19 Chair Socha stated she is confused how Commissioner Rude’s comment fits in within the <br />20 Commercial/Industrial zones. Commissioner Rude stated we are being asked to consider <br />21 putting in low-cost housing in Commercial zones. Chair Socha asked if multi-family housing <br />22 is being considered in Commercial/Industrial zones. Mr. Grittman stated as part of the <br />23 Comprehensive Plan it is mentioned about reintroducing multi-family into those <br />24 Commercial/Industrial areas. Chair Socha stated it makes sense to see how the current <br />25 development works as far as density, traffic flow, etc. She likes the idea of updating the <br />26 language but she does not think the time is right to put multi-family development in <br />27 Commercial/Industrial zoning. <br />28 <br />29 Commissioner Hendrickson asked about the Silver Lake Village PUD area and is the <br />30 discussion to change that or it should remain PUD. Mr. Grittman stated that would be an area <br />31 that could be possibly for multi-family housing. Commissioner Hendrickson stated the trend is <br />32 for less Commercial and the Commission should pay attention to market trends. <br />33 Commissioner Hendrickson asked about Light-Industrial and noted a brewery or distillery <br />34 would not be included. In many communities breweries are uses in light-industrial. <br />35 Commissioner Rude referred to 152.142 permitted uses are canning or bottling other than malt <br />36 products. Chair Socha stated that would be a good fit in Industrial zoning. <br />37 <br />38 Chair Socha noted St. Anthony has a limited number of liquor licenses. Mr. Grittman stated <br />39 breweries and distilleries are licensed separately and does not affect liquor licenses. <br />40 Commissioner Erickson stated another business in other communities are data centers. Mr. <br />41 Grittman stated data centers have very few employees and do not generate employment. <br />42 <br />43 Chair Socha stated the Commission would like to expand the Code to open it up to businesses <br />44 of all types under Commercial/Industrial but not open it up to multi-family housing at this <br />45 time. Mr. Grittman will bring back to the Commission some specific language for review at an