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MEMORANDUM <br />To:Saint Anthony Village City Council <br />From:Charlie Yunker, City Manager <br />Date:March 8, 2022 City Council Meeting <br />Resolution:Housing & Local Authority Resolution <br />OVERVIEW <br />One of the main roles of the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) is to advocate at the State Capitol on behalf of <br />cities, and at times encourages cities to support those efforts directly. An issue that the LMC is asking City <br />Council’s to take action on is in response to proposed legislation that preempts local planning, zoning and land <br />use authorities. <br />The League of Minnesota Cities provided a model resolution supporting the authority of local elected officials <br />and city staff to make land use decisions in their community. That resolution follows this memo and is intended <br />to be shared with the City’s legislators to communicate the importance of retaining local control on planning, <br />zoning and land use. <br />Intergovernmental Relations representatives from the League of Minnesota Cities will be in attendance at the <br />meeting to further expand on their continual work at the Capitol, speak to this issue specifically in more detail <br />and how this Council’s actions can assist, and of course answer any questions you have. <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />Housing & Local Authority Resolution <br />23