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MEMORANDUM <br />To:St. Anthony Village Planning Commission <br />From:Stephen Grittman, City Planner <br />Date:Planning Commission Meeting - March 15, 2022 <br />NAC Project No.323.01 – 22.03 <br />Request:Request for Conditional Use Permit - Front Yard Fence Height <br />Requirement for a Commercial Use <br />Property Address:2812 27th Avenue NE <br />Property PID:07-029-23-24-0031 <br />BACKGROUND AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />Tom Archambault, on behalf of BLVD Autoworks, is proposing to replace an existing six-foot- <br />high fence located along a portion of the west property line of his business (located at 2812 27th <br />Avenue NE) that screens his business property from the adjoining single family residential <br />parcel. The proposed fence would measure 8 feet in height which requires the processing of a <br />conditional use permit. <br />The proposed 8-foot-high fence would be erected in the same location upon the subject <br />property and is intended improve screening between the automotive use and the abutting <br />single family residential property to the west. <br />According to the applicant, the owner of the abutting home to the west is supportive the <br />proposed fence height change. <br />Based on the information as submitted, and a review of the applicable ordinance, staff <br />recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit, with conditions as follows: <br />1.The new fence shall satisfy all applicable fence construction requirements as <br />outlined in Section 150.073 of the Code. <br />2.Comments of other City Staff.