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MEMORANDUM <br />To:St. Anthony Village Planning Commission <br />From:Stephen Grittman, City Planner <br />Date:March 9, 2022 <br />Meeting Date:March 15, 2022 <br />NAC Project No.323.02 – 22.01 <br />BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS <br />This memorandum provides an update to the table-form list of proposed amended language for <br />Planning Commission consideration. The changes are based on the discussion held at the February <br />meeting. Staff noticed a public hearing for the March Planning Commission meeting to formally <br />consider the proposed language, and make any final edits or recommendations, prior to sending the <br />material on to City Council for consideration. <br />The table includes the original language in black, the previously proposed changes in redline, and new <br />additions/changes in blue. Text that is proposed to carryover from the existing code is referenced in <br />the second column. The third column includes changes to each of the proposed sections highlighted as <br />noted above. The fourth column provides some commentary explaining the purpose of the changes (or <br />in a few cases, why no change is proposed). New information in this section is bolded for clarity. <br />As before, we are not expecting to address the boundaries of these districts. The Comprehensive Plan’s <br />recommendations are to retain the existing zoning pattern, with the primary change being a <br />consideration of integrating more residential development into the commercial zones. <br />In the material below, we have provided the relevant Comprehensive Pan language, and the two zoning <br />districts for review, along with the table-form amendments as noted above. <br />The Planning Commission is asked to provide comments and thoughts on the proposals at the upcoming <br />meeting and public hearing, after which staff will prepare formal ordinances amendments for <br />consideration by the City Council. <br />The Comprehensive Plan material below is carried over from the original staff memo as background for <br />the Public Hearing.