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PL PACKET 08112022
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PL PACKET 08112022
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />July 19, 2022 <br />Page 3 <br />1 Commissioner Rude asked about a building permit over 7 feet high and is the review the same <br />2 for both permits. Mr. Grittman a zoning permit would be required for a fence under 7 feet. <br />3 <br />4 Commissioner Hendrickson asked if inspections are not happening because the building code <br />5 does not align with the City Code. Mr. Grittman noted anything under 7 feet is not under the <br />6 building inspector’s jurisdiction. <br />7 <br />8 Chair Socha stated she built a fence two years ago and no inspection was required. Mr. <br />9 Grittman stated inspections are not part of this request. Cities have various requirements as far <br />10 as inspections. <br />11 <br />12 Commissioner Erickson asked about the change in height and asked if 7 foot fence panels are <br />13 common and Mr. Grittman stated prefab panels are normally 6 foot. Mr. Grittman stated if a <br />14 fence exceeds 7 feet a building permit is required. <br />15 <br />16 Commissioner Kuykendall stated the wording addresses front fences but side and back yard <br />17 fences were not addressed. If someone has a six foot panel, based on the grade it could be up <br />18 to 7 feet. <br />19 <br />20 Commissioner Rude stated materials normally come in 2 foot increments. A building permit <br />21 does not come before the Planning Commission for approval. If the request is for a fence <br />22 higher than 7 foot a variance would be required along with a building permit. <br />23 <br />24 Mr. Rob LaFleur is the person that wrote the letter that the Commission had before them. He <br />25 thinks 7 foot fences are contrary to being welcoming and also limits what can be seen as to <br />26 what is going on in the neighborhood. Lots in St. Anthony are smaller than neighboring <br />27 communities and having a 7 foot fence around a smaller lot is not welcoming. A 5 foot fence <br />28 would be more welcoming. He participated via zoom. <br />29 <br />30 Ms. Maggie Tomas, resident of St. Anthony, is in favor of having a fence up to 7 feet. A fence <br />31 with 6 foot posts and 6 foot panels may go above 6 feet high. To be straight at the top the <br />32 additional height would be needed. Most fencing contractors suggest a 6 foot fence that is <br />33 made attractive and may be higher than 6 feet. She participated via zoom. <br />34 <br />35 Commissioner Morita asked if this request is not approved, the requester could still construct <br />36 a 7 foot fence with a variance. <br />37 <br />38 Commissioner Rude stated the Code Committee is addressing this code. Is this something that <br />39 should be considered when addressing that entire section of the code. He suggested this be <br />40 tabled and considered with the rest of the fence code. Mr. Grittman stated this was on the list <br />41 that the Code Committee is addressing. It could be held over for a meeting or two. <br />42 <br />43 Chair Socha stated the Commission needs to make a formal recommendation to the City <br />44 Council on this request. This could be discussed when looking at this again in the future. <br />45 <br />46
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