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PK PACKET 09122022
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PK PACKET 09122022
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Parks and Environmental Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />June 6, 2022 <br />Page 4 <br />1 goes to the incinerator. Commissioner Bordeau noted Ramsey County trash goes to the CERC <br />2 and they are coming out with a curbside program in 2023. She asked how the City would <br />3 participate in that program. Mr. Yunker stated the City is going out for bid for trash hauler <br />4 contract that would begin in mid-2023. He noted it will be included in the RFP. Commissioner <br />5 Bordeau asked how the residents in Hennepin County could participate in the program. Mr. <br />6 Yunker stated the City Council is looking for a single hauler RFP. <br />7 <br />8 VI.COMMISSION REPORTS. <br />9 <br />10 Vice Chair Reed asked about the Teacher Workshop on how the solar panels are working and <br />11 Ms. Doolan stated that has been done. The information was to be sent to Jeremy for uploading <br />12 on the City website. Ms. Doolan stated it was recorded as a Zoom Call. (the remainder of her <br />13 comments were inaudible). From the last meeting, Commissioner Guest asked what 8 aerial <br />14 acres is what percentage of the City. He asked what percentage of the City is covered in tree <br />15 canopy. Mr. Gumke will follow-up. Vice Chair Reed stated she had asked if there was a <br />16 bulletin board where organics information could be posted. City Manager Yunker stated it is <br />17 put in the newsletter if the information is available. <br />18 <br />19 Commissioner Bordeau stated she attended the Zero Waste session presented by Hennepin <br />20 County along with other Commissioners and Council Members. It was very high-level. It was <br />21 one step in the process of putting together a plan. <br />22 <br />23 VII.OTHER BUSINESS. <br />24 <br />A.25 Parks Assessment. <br />26 <br />27 Public Works Director Jeremy Gumke presented City Staff annually updates and refines the <br />28 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that encompasses the equipment, buildings and park <br />29 amenities throughout the City. This plan helps ensure that these items are replaced when <br />30 appropriate, and that adequate funding is available when those replacements are needed. <br />31 <br />32 It has been a number of years since the parks amenities were reviewed system-wide and staff <br />33 engaged the City’s engineering firm WSB to conduct an assessment of the park amenities <br />34 condition and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance to further refine the CIP <br />35 and provide a basis of discussion for any changes in amenities to recommend to the City <br />36 Council. <br />37 <br />38 From staff discussion with WSB staff, the overall status of the parks is that they are <br />39 maintained effectively, but are aging and ADA standards have changed since the amenities <br />40 were installed. WSB listed recommendations for replacements in short term and long term <br />41 categories, and brief observational comments. Staff will be completing most of the short term <br />42 items in the coming months, such as re-striping for accessible parking, purchasing accessible <br />43 picnic tables and any deferred maintenance. <br />44 <br />45 Long term items such as playground equipment and trails will need to be planned for <br />46 completion when funding becomes available. Replacements will be scheduled based on their <br />47
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