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MEMORANDUM <br />To:Mayor Stille and St. Anthony Village City Council <br />From:Stephen Grittman, City Planner <br />Date:City Council Meeting – September 13, 2022 <br />NAC Project No.323.01 – 22.01 <br />Request:Request for an amendment to the City Code related to fence height <br />Property Address:NA <br />Property PID:NA <br />STAFF AND PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION <br />The applicant for this item proposed an increase in fence height from the current 6 foot <br />maximum to 6 feet, 6 inches to accommodate variations in the grade causing measurements of <br />a standard 6 foot fence panel to exceed the height standard. Staff had recommended shifting <br />the amendment to 7 feet, as this was consistent with building code thresholds, and the <br />Planning Commission passed that proposal. <br />Following the Commission’s action, the Council took up work session discussion of a broader <br />code amendment (separately brought forward in this agenda). When this applicant’s request <br />was brought forward to Council, there was concern noted over the full 7 feet height, and the <br />item was tabled. In the interim, the Planning Commission took up the broader amendments, <br />which included other fence standards. The Commission agreed that a height of 6 feet, 6 inches <br />would suffice for the purposes of both the applicant and the general code overall. As such, this <br />amendment is changed to the 6’-6” height standard, adjusting the request downward from 7 <br />feet as had been proposed by staff. <br />In the larger City Code amendment on this same agenda, we have adjusted the fence height to <br />match this request. <br />With the Planning Commission recommendation, Staff recommends approval of the attached <br />amendment increasing maximum height of residential fences at 6’-6”, and establishing clearer <br />standards for measurement. <br />One procedural note: <br />First, most general City Code amendments require three readings by the Council prior to formal <br />adoption (unless this process is specifically waived by the City Council during its review). Zoning <br />Ordinances are an exception to this three-reading rule, which are to be considered for adoption