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MEMORANDUM <br />To:St. Anthony Village City Council <br />From:Stephen Grittman, City Planner <br />Date:August 11, 2022 <br />Meeting Date:August 17, 2022 <br />NAC Project No.323.02 – 22.01 <br />BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS <br />As the Council is aware, a committee of staff has been reviewing the City Code to address various <br />aspects of the language, looking for updating needs, and incorporating staff experience with permitting <br />issues, property owner questions, and code enforcement experience. In the prior round of these <br />amendments, the Commission reviewed (and the City Council adopted) regulations related to Swimming <br />Pools, Dumpsters, Natural Landscapes, Non-commercial Signs, and a variety of other inconsistencies <br />that had been ongoing issues for staff. <br />This memorandum provides a second round of updates to the table-form list of proposed City Code and <br />Zoning Code amended language for City Council consideration. Staff noticed a public hearing for the <br />August Planning Commission meeting to formally consider the proposed language, and make any final <br />edits or recommendations, prior to sending the material on to City Council for consideration. <br />That hearing was held on August 16th. The Commission passed the proposed amendments on to the City <br />Council as explained in the accompanying table, and as written in the accompanying Ordinance. <br />The topics covered in this version include Animals; a brief supplement to the previously approved <br />Natural Landscapes language; extensive updates to the regulations relating to Fences; use of the Public <br />Right of Way; and regulations relating to Bus Benches. As with the prior set of amendments, we are not <br />expecting to address the boundaries of any zoning districts with this material. The changes have arisen <br />from staff experience with various permitting or construction issues, and various code enforcement <br />activities. <br />The Planning Commission discussion passed the amendments, with discussion on two primary topics. <br />First, the fencing language was amended to set the maximum height for rear and side-yard fences at six <br />feet six inches, down from the previously considered change to 7 feet. This item is also addressed in the <br />Tomas amendment request being considered as a separate item – this change is contemplated in both <br />this set of general code updates, and the Tomas private application. <br />The second significant discussion related to bus benches, and the treatment of the off-site advertising <br />that supports the private placement of those benches. There was some consideration at the Planning <br />Commission to prohibit these types of signs altogether, with the acknowledgment that the privately- <br />provided bus benches would then be removed by the providers. Instead, the discussion suggested that