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2/27/2023 <br />11 <br />Governmental Authority <br />City’s Authority <br />Authority to act must be found expressly in Minnesota law or be inferred from such law <br />City’s authority may be pre-empted by state or federal law <br />Councilmember’s Authority <br />Council must approve contracts and other significant actions of the City by a vote of <br />the Council as a whole <br />Role of the Mayor <br />•Official head of city <br />•Signs official documents <br />•Presides over and preserves order at council meetings <br />•Votes as member of council <br />•Represents all residents <br />•Chair of the Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA) <br />Role of a Councilmember <br />•Community leadership At-large: represent all residents <br />•Legislating for city <br />•Stewards of city assets <br />•Member of the Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA) <br />Role of a Commissioner <br />•Review and recommend to the council <br />•Represent all residents <br />Powers and Duties <br />Planning Commission <br />32.06 POWERS AND DUTIES. <br />The Planning Commission will: <br />(A) Review and make recommendations to the City Council as to a comprehensive municipal plan, including the land use plan, a community <br />facilities plan, a transportation plan, and recommendations for plan adoption and execution; <br />(B) Consider and make recommendations to the City Council as to all proposed subdivisions and plats; <br />(C) Consider and make recommendations to the City Council as to all proposed amendments to Chapters 151 and 152 of this code <br />regarding subdivisions and zoning; <br />(D) Consider, hold hearings, and make recommendations on conditional use permit applications; 2010 S-2 18 St. Anthony - Administration <br />(E) Review all applications for variance to zoning, hold hearings, and make recommendations to the City Council; and <br />(F) Review requests for sign variances. (1993 Code, § 305.06)