Laserfiche WebLink
Water: <br />o Reduce my water usage at home or in my business <br />o UƟlize alternaƟve types of turf instead of tradiƟonal <br />grass <br />o Put in a rain garden <br />o Adopt a storm drain near my home or business to <br />reduce the amount of material going into storm <br />sewers <br />o Switch to low flow appliances <br />o Switch to low flow faucets and shower heads <br />o Regularly check my home and business for water <br />leaks <br />o Reduce or stop watering a lawn or garden <br />o UƟlize a rain barrel for watering <br />Community Resiliency <br />o Join community events, such as clean ups <br />o Organize a neighborhood group to build a strong <br />community <br />o Share informaƟon with my neighbors and others in <br />the community <br />o AƩend a meeƟng related to these topics <br />o Share your local knowledge about areas of risks or <br />areas of concern for climate changes with the City <br />o I am not willing to take any acƟons in the next <br />several years. <br />o I’m not sure <br /> <br />7. What resources, tools, informaƟon or other support <br />do you need from the city to reach your own climate <br />goals? <br /> <br /> <br />8. Which topic areas are most important to you to be <br />addressed in the development of this Climate Plan? <br />(Select all that apply.) <br />o Water <br />o Energy <br />o Transporta Ɵon <br />o Waste <br />o Community Resilience and public health <br />o None of the above <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />9. How do you want to be involved in creaƟng this <br />plan? (e.g., parƟcipate in discussions, follow updates <br />on the city’s website, social media, or newsleƩer, <br />respond to another survey, aƩend or volunteer at <br />outreach events, help get family and friends <br />involved, etc.). <br /> <br /> <br />Our last quesƟons are about you and your household. <br />Answering these quesƟons are opƟonal. Again, all of your <br />responses to this survey are confidenƟal and no idenƟfying <br />informaƟon will be shared. <br />10. Are you a resident of St. Anthony? <br />o Yes <br />o No <br />11. Do you own a business or work in St. Anthony? <br />o Yes <br />o No <br />12. What is your gender? <br />o Woman <br />o Man <br />o IdenƟfy in another way <br />13. Do you rent or own your home? <br />o Rent <br />o Own <br />14. In which category is your age? <br />o 18‐24 <br />o 25‐34 <br />o 35‐44 <br />o 45‐54 <br />o 55‐64 <br />o 65‐74 <br />o 75 years and older <br />15. What is your race? (Mark one or more races to <br />indicate what race you consider yourself to be.) <br />o American Indian or Alaska NaƟve <br />o Asian <br />o Black or African American <br />o NaƟve Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander <br />o White <br />o A race not listed <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Thank you for your Ɵme and parƟcipaƟon!