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CC WS PACKET 08082023
City Council
City Council Work Session
CC WS PACKET 08082023
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MEMORANDUM <br />DATE:May 31, 2023 <br />TO:Chief Jon Mangseth <br />FROM:Captain Jeff Spiess <br />SUBJECT:Officer Recruitment <br />PROJECT: Formation of Police Cadet Program <br />The mission of the St. Anthony Police Department is “To improve the overall quality of <br />life by preserving the peace and safety of the community.” We know that the state of officer <br />recruitment has been very difficult, often referred to as a “crisis.” Even five years ago, police <br />departments, including the SAPD, had the luxury of having multiple qualified candidates <br />respond to a job posting for an open position. Unfortunately, the most recent and current job <br />posting has yielded zero applicants. With the department currently short two officers, the <br />anticipated resignation of another officer in mid-2023, three likely retirements in 2024, and the <br />anticipated addition of two vital positions, the department must proactively work to find new <br />police officers to fill these vacancies if a peaceful and safe community is to be maintained. <br />Background <br />The SAPD is currently authorized for 20 full time police officers and 1 full time <br />Community Service Officer (CSO). The CSO assists in a variety of tasks that do not require the <br />attention of a licensed police officer, which includes traffic direction, transports, parking <br />complaints, animal complaints, vacation home checks, data entry, front office tasks, shuttling <br />squads for repair, and equipment repair. The CSO is not necessarily a law enforcement student, <br />the tenure of the position is often more than two years, and there is no commitment to employ <br />the CSO as a full time officer if they complete law enforcement school. Additionally, the CSO is <br />tasked with responsibilities that are unique and require a significant learning curve to <br />accomplish and often do not overlap with the responsibilities of a police officer. As such, it is <br />not a practical standalone avenue to attract potential police officers for current and anticipated <br />vacancies.
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