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CC WS PACKET 08082023
City Council
City Council Work Session
CC WS PACKET 08082023
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8/7/2023 7:27:52 AM
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The cadet program will afford the SAPD to assist in planning for future vacancies, look <br />for additional opportunities to hire diverse candidates, and have an extended look at potential <br />police officer candidates prior to promotion to such position. Additionally, the addition of <br />cadets into the department will supplement the loss experienced through the Police Reserve <br />Program and allow the SAPD to better staff for community events and other needs. <br />Cost <br />The primary cost of the program would be the following: hourly employee rate, <br />uniforms/equipment, and the cost of tuition reimbursement of the Professional Skills Program. <br />Below are estimates of each of these categories. <br />Uniforms & Equipment Hourly Rate Tuition Reimbursement <br />$2650*$22.00 (up to 25 hours/week)$4000 <br />It is important to note that the cost of uniforms/equipment will cover nearly the entire cost to <br />uniform the cadet as a police officer. As such, the department would not incur this cost twice <br />when/if the cadet is promoted to a police officer position. If the cadet were promoted to an <br />officer, the cost to uniform would be approximately $265.00, rather than the full $2650.00. <br />The cadet could work up to 25 hours per week, though it may be less than this <br />depending on their academic demands. In the unlikely event that the cadet works 25 hours per <br />week every week of the year, it would total $28,600 annually. <br />Recommendation <br />My recommendation is to formalize a cadet program for the St. Anthony Police <br />Department. This should include a minimum of two part-time cadet positions at any one time. <br />The program will provide a significant, positive impact on the department’s ability to effectively <br />compete in a highly competitive and tough police officer job market. It will also provide the <br />police department with the ability to observe cadets under a variety of circumstances, <br />essentially making a better informed decision about the potential for an ultimate promotion to <br />police officer. Finally, the cadet program will provide another avenue to increase the diversity
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