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NOTICE REQUIREMENTS <br />Notice must be provided 3 days in <br />advance and posted to the public <br />The city must also mail or deliver notice <br />to each person who has filed a written <br />request for notice of special meetings <br />with the city, also three days in advance <br />of the meeting <br />REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS <br />As established on the regular meeting <br />schedule <br />2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, City <br />Hall, 7:00 p.m. <br />Schedule of regular meetings must be <br />kept on file at City Hall <br />If the Council changes its regular meeting <br />date, 3 days posted notice must be given <br />3 days posted notice <br />Notice must include specific topics <br />No formal action may be taken <br />CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSIONS <br />21 <br />MEETINGS <br />SPECIAL MEETINGS <br />Any meeting of the Council other than <br />a regular meeting <br />May be called by the Mayor, or by any <br />two members of the Council <br />Called by filing a written statement <br />with the City Clerk or City Manager <br />Council may transact business within <br />its powers at a special meeting <br />Only business for which notice has <br />been given may be discussed. <br />Open meeting law rules apply to <br />special meetings <br />EMERGENCY MEETINGS <br />Special meetings called by the <br />Council due to circumstances that, in <br />its judgment, require immediate <br />council consideration <br />A minimum of one day’s notice to the <br />Council must be given. Notice must <br />include a specific description of the <br />subject <br />Good faith effort to notify any who <br />have filed a request for notice <br />Posted and published notice is not <br />necessary