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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />December 12, 2023 <br />Page 6 <br />1 <br />2 Local communities, through their 2020 Comprehensive Sewer Plan submittals, indicate that at <br />3 least 50% of I/I comes from private property and sanitary sewer laterals, which in St. Anthony <br />4 Village are owned and maintained by private property owners up to the point of connection with <br />5 the City of St. Anthony Village sanitary sewer main pipe typically under the roadway. To <br />6 promote the need for I/I mitigation, local communities identified a need for funding or private <br />7 property owners, which created this program for which St. Anthony Village is eligible to <br />8 participate. <br />9 <br />10 This program will give local communities the ability to provide grant assistance to private <br />11 property owners and distribute funds to private property owners or contractors in alignment with <br />12 the grant program guidelines. The MCES program guidelines are summarized below: <br />13 • Grants to private property owners shall be for a percentage of actual, reasonable, and verifiable <br />14 I/I mitigation costs. No costs of studies, engineering, or planning shall be eligible. <br />15 • Grant reimbursement shall be 50% of eligible costs, up to $5,000, for applicants not meeting <br />16 equity criteria set by the participating municipalities. Eligible work includes: <br />17 o Private lateral repair and/or replacement <br />18 o Foundation drain disconnections and new sump pump, if associated with the foundation <br />19 drain disconnect <br />20 o Lateral televising and cleaning costs if: <br />21 ▪ Applicant meets the equity criteria or <br />22 ▪ Televising and cleaning result in repair or replacement of sewer lateral <br />23 • Grants of up to $10,000 may be given to private property owners meeting the municipality’s <br />24 equity criterion. <br />25 • The private service line or foundation drain must be active and serving an occupied building. <br />26 • All repairs and replacements must be made with materials and methods consistent with local <br />27 codes and permit requirements. <br />28 • Qualified spending on eligible work must occur between January 1, 2024, and December 31, <br />29 2024. <br />30 <br />31 The program will be administered by eligible cities, which are those that have had a measurable <br />32 flow rate within 20 percent of the permitted flow limit, and which St. Anthony is one of those <br />33 cities. St. Anthony can apply for a block of funding and determine eligibility within the city for <br />34 those funds. If a city includes an equity component, additional funding per repair can be made <br />35 available. Guidance by MCES was a reasonable application would be for $25,000 - $50,00 per <br />36 city. <br />37 <br />38 At the November 28, 2023 City Council Work Session, City Staff presented the program <br />39 guidelines, discussed possible parameters for a city program, and identified the following <br />40 criteria: <br />41 The City will accept applications for 30 days – May 1-31, 2024. <br />42 Owner Occupied properties are eligible. <br />43 Prioritize applications meeting equity criteria – Verify income with 2023 Federal tax <br />44 return. <br />45 <br />16