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1/12/2024 <br />2 <br />City Council <br />Community Outreach <br />Make the council more available to the public. Revise the Coffee with the <br />Council format and go to where people are at locations around the city. <br />Transparency / Communication <br />Council should do more to help people understand when topics they may <br />be interested in and policies that impact them are going to be discussed at <br />city council. <br />City Council <br />Data gathered from Door Knocking by Lona Doolan <br />Theme % Additional Notes from Lona's Campaign <br />Code 11% <br />1) Too much nuisance code passed recently <br />2) New garbage code is costly and not possible for people with disabilities <br />3) Appearance of punitive and favoritism in code enforcement <br />4) Planning process is seen as punitive and anti-business <br />5) Inspection fees have become unreasonable <br />6) Planning process needs public input up front instead of outrage at council <br />Business 7% <br />1) Small business doesn’t feel supported, but expected to support community events <br />2) Small business has more roadblocks place on them than big business and developers <br />3) Sign policy is long process, overly restrictive and can be impactful to success <br />4) Want to see holistic approach and partnership with business community <br />Communication 7% <br />1) Fiber optic communication was complaint by many <br />2) Want to see progress measurement against goals, it is motivating to see progress. <br />Safety 7% <br />1) Several seniors expressed concern about safety at Walgreens/Cub and pick pocket <br />2) Can we have "Coffee with the Chief" so people can ask him questions about safety <br />3) People at Legends want to have an officer come and talk about how to be safe <br />Sustainability 7% Some residents want information about Inflation Reduction Act <br />Generational 5% Many seniors miss Crossroads Fitness, nut just phyical but social gathering <br />Infrastructure 5% A lot of comments about fiber optic holes in the ground being unsafe <br />Taxes 5% Nothing new here, they are high and hard for people on fixed incomes <br />Traffic 5% Nothing new here, too much and too fast, 2 specific instances mentioned of cars hitting bikes <br />Housing 5%1) Too many and problems with rental properties (non-civic engagement, illegal activities) <br />2) Want to see incentive program to help seniors on fixed income do house upkeep