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CC PACKET 02132024
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CC PACKET 02132024
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 23, 2024 <br />Page 3 <br />1 <br />2 Councilmember Stephens asked if there are more cars parking on the street when the plows go <br />3 through. Mr. Lundberg stated a little bit more but generally speaking it is worse in the multi- <br />4 family housing in the northern area. Councilmember Stephens asked if ticketing is done and Mr. <br />5 Lundberg stated that is done through the Police Department. Councilmember Stephens asked if <br />6 Public Works drivers communicate to the Police Department if they are having difficulties <br />7 getting around parked cars and Mr. Lundberg stated they will if there is an extreme hard time. <br />8 <br />9 Photographs were shared with the Council. <br />10 <br />11 Mayor Webster thanked Mr. Lundberg for his presentation. <br />12 <br />13 Councilmember Doolan asked about the snowplowing of sidewalks and when that is started. Mr. <br />14 Lundberg stated the sidewalk crew normally starts an hour after the street plowing begins. It is a <br />15 separate crew. She asked after the season is there an organized effort to sweep up the sand/salt <br />16 that remains on the road. Mr. Lundberg stated St. Anthony is very proactive on street sweeping. <br />17 As soon as the weather is warm enough and there is no ice buildup on the roads. She asked if <br />18 residents/commercial properties that do their own salting could it be moved to the streets to have <br />19 the street sweeping crews to pickup. Mr. Lundberg stated the City has one street sweeper and it <br />20 takes a week to cover the entire City. Other debris could be moved onto the street which would <br />21 be a detriment. <br />22 <br />23 Councilmember Jenson complimented public works on the service they provide. Councilmember <br />24 Stephens agreed. <br />25 <br />26 Mayor Webster asked who plows the streets. Mr. Lundberg stated Ernie and Ed plow on the <br />27 south and west quadrants of the City. The North is Merle and Paul. The smaller trucks are spread <br />28 throughout the City. She commended Merle for the idea of engaging the community on the <br />29 naming of the snow plows. <br />30 <br />31 VII.REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER AND COUNCIL MEMBERS. <br />32 <br />33 City Manager Yunker stated the City is still accepting applications to serve on the Parks and <br />34 Environmental Commission. The application process closes on January 29, 2024. Absentee <br />35 voting opened for all residents at the Ramsey County election center. More information is <br />36 available on the City website. <br />37 <br />38 Councilmember Randle had no report. <br />39 <br />40 Councilmember Doolan stated on January 10, she took a tour of the facilities and met with the <br />41 department heads. On January 17-19, she participated in goal setting. On January 17, she <br />42 attended the League of Women Voters session. On January 23, she attended Meet and Greet with <br />43 the City Council and she has been working with Commissioner Lily Fee and others around <br />44 Silverwood programming. <br />45
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