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2/28/2024 <br />12 <br />Powers and Duties <br />Parks & Environmental Commission <br />33.25 POWERS AND DUTIES. <br />The Parks and Environmental Commission shall be as follows: <br />(A) To prepare, revise, and maintain a comprehensive, long-term plan for the redevelopment of parks within the city. This plan shall be viewed as a working <br />document that serves as a framework and reference to future redevelopment; <br />(B) To make recommendations to and advise the City Council and staff regarding park and environmental issues and ideas; <br />(C) To establish priorities and recommend a phasing plan and schedule for implementing innovative park and environmental initiatives improvements, <br />renovations, and plans; <br />(D) To work with other communities to explore cooperative arrangements to develop connecting routes in the form of bikeways, walking paths, and corridors <br />of green space wherever possible; <br />(E) To investigate funding sources, including requests for increases in the city budget, designated for parks, green spaces and environmental initiatives; <br />(F) To seek new areas for additional parks, natural areas, walking paths, bikeways, and green space corridors; <br />(G) To generate community involvement in the development of parks, environmental initiatives and their elements; <br />(H) To review and recommend revisions to the operation and maintenance of city parks and environmental initiatives; and <br />(I) To periodically review, re-evaluate, and update the comprehensive park and environmental initiatives plan to reflect current and future park needs of the city. <br />Stay Connected <br />Notify Me <br />Sign up to  <br />receive updates  <br />on specific  <br />subjects.Alert Center <br />Sign up to  <br />receive updates  <br />on snow  <br />plowing and  <br />public safety  <br />alerts. <br />Calendar <br />Sign up to receive  <br />notifications of  <br />added/modified  <br />meetings and  <br />community events. <br />News Flash <br />Sign up to receive  <br />notifications of  <br />added/modified  <br />news flash.  We  <br />typically use the  <br />news flash for  <br />highlighting certain  <br />events, initiatives,  <br />and important  <br />messages. <br />Government Jobs <br />Sign up to receive  <br />notifications when a  <br />new job has been  <br />added or modified. <br />Ask the City <br />Use this form to ask  <br />City Staff questions.