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CC PACKET 05142024
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CC PACKET 05142024
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />April 23, 2024 <br />Page 9 <br />1 Councilmember Doolan stated she prefers to work collaboratively. She read a prepared <br />2 statement. She had a long list of questions when the partnership was first brought up. She is <br />3 interested in learning more about how the police officers are feeling. There are different <br />4 processes that can occur to help guide Council. The next step is to identify benefits and risks. <br />5 Take a look at lessons learned. The process followed with engagement of outside consultant was <br />6 a good one. She heard from input a genuine concern for Officer safety. She reviewed other things <br />7 she has heard. Facilities need to be expanded without the addition of servicing Falcon Heights. <br />8 <br />9 Councilmember Randle acknowledged he does seem benefits in having a larger more robust <br />10 police department and there could be some financial gain for the City. He has a lot of concerns <br />11 such as 2026 as the start date. Common sense needs to be used. He does not know if 2026 would <br />12 even be doable. The facility would need to be upgraded and training would need to be provided. <br />13 He is also concerned with the fact the SAPD policing style and the politicians from Falcon <br />14 Heights and how it would mesh. He asked who would be in control over that situation. There <br />15 should be no effect on service to St. Anthony. <br />16 <br />17 Councilmember Stephens stated risks should be equally shared among all communities. She <br />18 would be in favor of going forward to look at benefits, risks and costs. <br />19 <br />20 Councilmember Doolan stated she would like to produce deliverables and look at lessons <br />21 learned. A SWAT analysis would be a good exercise. She would like to move towards getting <br />22 more information. <br />23 <br />24 Mayor Webster stated part of the exploratory phase was to understand the community’s <br />25 expectations. She agrees residents want a partnership that would not decrease service to St. <br />26 Anthony. She values the SAPD. She emphasizes with Falcon Heights in the fact they miss the <br />27 level of service they had from SAPD. Risks need to be mitigated. Costs need to be shared. The <br />28 SAPD officers see a benefit in a larger more robust police department. The officers are mindful <br />29 of a delayed timeline to allow for recruiting of additional officers. <br />30 <br />31 Councilmember Jenson suggestion going through a detailed cost analysis. There needs to be <br />32 some renovation in the Police Department as well as the Fire Department. <br />33 <br />34 Councilmember Doolan asked about the process for addressing the concerns and questions raised <br />35 by residents. Mr. Yunker stated if the decisions is to move forward all questions and concerns <br />36 would be addressed. <br />37 <br />38 Motion by Councilmember Jenson, seconded by Councilmember Doolan, to engage in Phase 3 <br />39 of a partnership decision for the potential police services partnership with Falcon Heights. <br />40 <br />41 Ayes – 4, Nays – 1 (Randle). Motion carried. <br />42 <br />43 VII.REPORTS FROM CITY MANAGER AND COUNCIL MEMBERS. <br />44 <br />45 City Manager Yunker reported Clean-Up day is May 4 9:00 a.m. – 12noon at Public Works. <br />46 This was included in the contract with Aspen. Maddie Jaros has accepted the position as <br />47 <br />19
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