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CLEARLY DEFINED SERVICE EXPECTATIONS <br />The top administrative personnel from each city and the chosen command staff from the Police Department <br />should meet and discuss police services and community needs on a regular basis. The current contract with <br />Lauderdale, which is the basis for a renewed contract with Falcon Heights, includes the following section: <br />IX.JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />Both cities will appoint members to a Joint Advisory Committee. The committee will meet at least once a <br />year to ensure that this Agreement and the services performed pursuant to this Agreement are meeting the <br />expectations of both cities. Any recommendations of the committee will be strictly advisory. <br />This committee has been utilized as a less formal, as-desired meeting of Mayors and top administrators. Staff <br />would reword this section and utilize it as a regular meeting of staff from all partners to discuss police services <br />operations and that objectives from all three partner Council’s are being met. <br />The objective would be to simplify communication between the partner cities and ensure expectations of the <br />Police Department are clearly understood and balances consistency with the unique needs of each partner city. <br />SHARING FINANCIAL IMPACT <br />City staff from Saint Anthony and Falcon Heights are coordinating with our respective City Attorneys and the <br />League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust to draft language to address this concern. That draft language is not <br />ready for review but all parties are in agreement in concept and will present language when a draft contract is <br />ready for all Council’s review. <br />ST. ANTHONY POLICE DEPARTMENT SWOT ANALYSIS & BENEFITS TO THE CITY AND POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />Police Department leadership staff compiled below SWOT Analysis, and the breakdown below expands on the <br />identified aspects. It also contains the anticipated benefits to the Police Department, and thus to the City of <br />Saint Anthony Village of a renewed partnership within the ‘Opportunities’ section: