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PL PACKET 06182024
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PL PACKET 06182024
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6/13/2024 3:09:11 PM
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6/13/2024 3:08:45 PM
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Supplemental Q&A for 2401 Lowry PUD Amendment submitted by Stan Ross, 5/22/24 <br />1. The approximate square footage of the various uses, including offices, classrooms, multi- <br />purpose space, and vacant space. Offices: 8,000 sf, Classrooms 5,500 sf, Multi-Purpose Space <br />6,000 sf, Vacant 9,000 sf <br />2. The number of employees who will be on-site during peak times (assuming these are <br />daytimes during week? or weekends? evenings?). Will office employees staff the after-school <br />program, or will that entail additional staff? 10-20 employees during peak times, some of these <br />would be in the classroom offices <br />3. The approximate number of students who will be on-site during peak times, and <br />approximate hours of operation. Approximately 100 students during peak times <br />4. The frequency and scope of "events" , such as building and attendance capacity, hours, <br />etc. No classes Tuesday and limited on Thursday, otherwise all other days from 9AM - 7PM <br />5. How students will arrive at the facility (e.g. driven by parents, etc. or buses?) - and how they <br />will be picked up? Parents drop-off and pick-up <br />6. If there is a common drop-off and/or pick-up time for parents arriving in cars, how will the <br />cars queue or park on the property to avoid interfering with traffic on the adjoining <br />street(s)? Parents park and enter building <br />7. Will there be outdoor use of the facility for the after-school program, and if so, where on the <br />property will that occur? A simple site plan would be helpful in this regard. No outdoor use <br />currently planned. <br />8. Is there any state or county licensing required for the after-school programming that you will <br />be required to carry, and if so, what is the status of that licensing? No license is required for the <br />after school program. <br />9. Will you be making any changes to the site or building to accommodate the proposed use(s), <br />including parking lot, green/open space, architectural exteriors, or interior remodeling? Very <br />limited alterations: a few interior non-load bearing walls removed to enlarged existing areas for <br />classrooms and open areas for the Multi-Purpose Space. Also, toilets enlarged and <br />miscellaneous sinks added. <br />10. Will you be proposing any exterior signage as a part of the occupancy for these <br />uses? Check the sign ordinance (Section 155 of the City Code) for details on allowable <br />signage. Small signage for business name, planned signage will follow city sign code.
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