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CC MINUTES 06252024
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 06252024
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />June 25, 2024 <br />Page 5 <br />1 City Planner Grittman reviewed the City Council considered the first reading of amendments to <br />2 the Zoning Ordinance related to cannabis retailing at its regular meeting on June 11, 2024. The <br />3 Council discussed aspects of the proposed ordinance, with two suggested additions to the <br />4 language. First was the inclusion of residential substance abuse treatment centers to the list of <br />5 land uses that would be included in the separation buffers being created by the Code. The second <br />6 was to increase the proposed separation buffer for childcare centers to 300 feet, from the <br />7 Planning Commission's recommendation of 100 feet. The proposed ordinance includes those <br />8 changes. The language of the code recommends that the separation from treatment centers to be <br />9 listed as "licensed" centers by the State of Minnesota. The City can research properly licensed <br />10 facilities and make an informed judgment about distance and registration. There are some <br />11 "treatment" facilities that operate as "sober houses" or other similar unlicensed programming <br />12 which would not be trackable. Staff has inserted a 300 foot separation buffer for these uses in the <br />13 proposed language. <br />14 <br />15 Staff requests that the City Council consider the second reading of the attached Ordinance 2024- <br />16 03. Staff continues to recommend that the moratorium ordinance enacted last August continue in <br />17 force as further materials are generated by the State of Minnesota over the next several months. <br />18 <br />19 Mr. Grittman noted the Planning Commission will be asked to further discuss the separation <br />20 distance aspects of the potential regulations and raise other issues as they may impact a final <br />21 ordinance adoption. With these comments, and if the proposed Ordinance amendments reflect <br />22 those discussions, forwarding the zoning amendment to the City Council would be in order. If <br />23 the Planning Commission agrees, staff recommends approval of a draft zoning regulation that <br />24 creates the separation distances for schools (1,000 feet), parks (500 feet — specifically for Central <br />25 Park, Emerald Park, Silver Point Park, Trillium Park, and Water Tower Park), and either a <br />26 specific distance or an "abutting property" separation for childcare facilities. <br />27 <br />28 Mr. Grittman provided for Council consideration the State Law — Local Control, Map of <br />29 Separation Distance Impacts and the Draft Ordinance Amendment. The Office of Cannabis <br />30 Management is already sending out information to Cities. <br />31 <br />32 Councilmember Randle stated there is a group that is being left out — senior facilities. Mr. <br />33 Grittman stated the State does not give St. Anthony authority to create a buffer zone for senior <br />34 facilities. <br />35 <br />36 Mayor Webster stated the distance the City agrees to for a buffer can be greater than what the <br />37 State determines. <br />38 <br />39 Councilmember Doolan asked what the definition of schools is for this resolution. Mr. Grittman <br />40 stated it would cover all state -licensed schools. More guidance on home -schooling and family <br />41 daycares should be coming from the State. Councilmember Doolan asked if a license has been <br />42 granted and something moves next door to it, would the license that was issued take precedence. <br />43 Mr. Grittman stated that is correct and is a general operation of law. <br />44 <br />
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