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$10,000,000 range. This option would not address any other needs in the Community Center facility, and only <br />address the Police Department itself and staff does not recommend this approach. <br />Staff continued to discuss and asked Oertel Architects to review if adding to the existing Fire Department <br />building would be feasible. This was due to known space limitations in the Fire Department, and to acknowledge <br />the trend of joint police and fire ‘Public Safety’ facilities being constructed in other cities. This allows for the <br />sharing of spaces such as training, fitness, and emergency operations spaces. This would address space needs for <br />both the Police Department and the Fire Department as well. <br />Oertel Architects provided a very preliminary concept that indicated that it could be feasible for add the space <br />to the Fire Department with minimal impact to Central Park. However, preliminary cost is estimated at between <br />$12,000,000 and $15,000,000. This range of costs will necessitate the City to explore funding options over and <br />above simply issuing general obligation debt, such as State Bonding Bill support. <br />DRAFT CONTRACT CHANGES FROM THE JULY 23, 2024 WORK SESSION <br />City Council comments from the first review were considered and the draft contract revised as reflected below: <br />ANNUAL “TRUE-UP” OF BUDGET VS ACTUAL RESULTS <br />This section was eliminated. Further staff discussions concluded that extraordinary costs unique to each partner <br />is anticipated to be minimal, but if that changes this can be revisited in the future. <br />JOINT OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING FREQUENCY AND SERLIVE LEVEL EXPECTATIONS <br />Staff was comfortable specifying a quarterly meeting schedule for the committee, as this would be expected at <br />least during the initial term of the contract. In future renewals this could be revised to be less prescriptive. <br />A section was added to specify that service level expectations will be discussed at the staff level as part of the <br />scope of the committee. <br />SHARING FINANCIAL IMPACT OF CRITICAL INCIDENTS <br />City staff from Saint Anthony Village and Falcon Heights are coordinating with our respective City Attorneys and <br />the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust to include appropriate language to address this concern. That <br />final language is not solidified, but all parties are in agreement in concept, and draft language is in the contract <br />to reflect that commitment. <br />APPENDIX A <br />Added to acknowledge the need for a “ramp-up” to full services over a reasonable amount of time. <br />NEXT STEPS <br />Staff from both Saint Anthony Village and Falcon Heights will continue to work through finalizing the contract <br />and refining all other aspects as much as possible before the decision date of October 22, 2024. <br />DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR COUNCIL FEEDBACK <br />Below are the specific items for discussion and feedback for the City Council: <br />Comments on the information presented and work completed to date. <br />Key information needed for an October 22, 2024 decision deadline <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />Presentation <br />DRAFT CONTRACT