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September 24, 2024 St. Anthony Council Work Session - 6 <br />Councilmember Elnagdy asked about the retention bonus and whether it would go past 2025. She feels <br />it would be beneficial for it to go forward. Police Chief Spiess agreed and he was proposing 8% of base <br />pay for the retention bonus. <br />Councilmember Doolan asked if the retention bonus was a one-time bonus that is received. Police Chief <br />Spiess stated it would be a one-time lump bonus. It is not added to their base pay. <br />Councilmember Randle stated if this is done it needs to be done right. If the department is saying this is <br />what is needed the Council needs to adhere to that. They need to be given what is needed to succeed. <br />Councilmember Randle stated discussions of the facility have been held for many years. <br />Mayor Webster requested the Council to consider the recruitment bonus, retention bonus and hiring <br />bonus at this point. <br />Councilmember Jenson stated he feels these are important. He asked about the March 1st date. Chief <br />Spiess stated St. Anthony would be providing 24/7 911 call response as of March 1, 2025. There would <br />not be an active patrol present in Falcon Heights. <br />Councilmember Doolan stated she appreciates how the conversation was started this evening. She feels <br />it is important to consider what will be in the next 10 years. Resiliency needs to be built into the <br />department. <br />Councilmember Doolan asked if there is a financial impact of increasing the cadet program to six. Chief <br />Spiess stated they are offered 25 hours per week at the rate of the community service officer position <br />per hour. The City also pays for their skills training ($5,000). The current two cadets will be going to their <br />skills portion of training in 2025. Councilmember Doolan asked if the increase is included in the financial <br />plan. Mr. Yunker stated that is not included in the 2025 budget. <br />Councilmember Elnagdy asked what the training period is for the cadet program and Mr. Yunker stated <br />it is two years. Chief Spiess stated they generally look at cadets with less than 1 year of training <br />remaining. <br />Councilmember Jenson asked how many positions are currently posted and Chief Spiess stated they are <br />on two websites for 1 police officer. There is an open application for police officers. Chief Spiess stated <br />currently three are being attempted to be hired to get to regular full strength. <br />Mayor Webster referred to the building/facility upgrades. The Council is in support of the building <br />upgrades but more information is needed and how that will be accomplished. <br />Mayor Webster summarized there is consensus of the Council for a recruitment bonus, hiring bonus, <br />retention bonus, referral bonus, and the Cadet Program increase. Also, support for compensating the <br />administrative staff for overtime. Mayor Webster believes administrative staff needs to be compensated <br />for overtime. Mr. Yunker stated it will be worked out how to pay administrative staff for overtime. <br />Mayor Webster posed the question from staff and requested Council's response: <br />Is renewing the partnership in the long-term best interests of the City and Police Department? – <br />Councilmembers Elnagdy, Jenson, Doolan and Mayor Webster stated their support. Councilmember <br />Randle does not agree. <br />16