<br />Building Permits
<br />$1 to $2,000 $83.50
<br />$2,001 to $25,000 $83.50 for the first $2,000 plus $16.55/additional $1,000 or
<br />fraction thereof, to including $25,000
<br />$25,001 to $50,000 $464.15 for the first $25,000 plus $12.00/additional $1,000 or
<br />fraction thereof, to including $50,000
<br />$50,001 to $100,000 $764.15 for the first $50,000 plus $8.45/additional $1,000 or
<br />fraction thereof, to including $100,000
<br />$100,001 to $500,000 $1,186.65 for the first $100,000 plus $6.75/additional $1,000 or
<br />fraction thereof, to including $500,000
<br />$500,001 to $1,000,000 $3,886.65 for the first $500,000 plus $5.50/additional $1,000 or
<br />fraction thereof, to including $1,000,000
<br />$1,000,001 and up $6,636.65 for the first $1,000,000 plus $4.50/additional $1,000 or
<br />fraction thereof
<br />Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge, 2 hours)
<br />$75.00 per hour
<br />(or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, which is the
<br />greatest.This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment,
<br />hourly wages, and fringe benefits of the employees involved.)
<br />Re‐inspection; fees assessed under provisions of §32.08 $65.00
<br />Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge, 1/2 hour $75.00 per hour
<br />Additional plan review required by changes, additions, or revisions to plans (minimum
<br />charge, 1/2 hour)$105.00 per hour
<br />For use of outside consultants for plan checking and inspections, or both Actual costs
<br />(including administrative and overhead costs)
<br />Plan review 65% of Building Permit fee
<br />Plan Review when there is a Master Plan
<br />When approved, the review fee shall not exceed 25% of the permit fee for submittal
<br />documents reviewed using a Master Plan set.
<br />•The review fee for a Master Plan set shall be 65% of the permit fee.
<br />25% of Building Permit fee
<br />Review of State Approved Construction Documents 25% of Building Permit fee
<br />Pre‐Final inspection (new home or structure)$75.00
<br />Re‐inspection
<br />A re‐inspection fee may be assessed:
<br />•Each inspection or re‐inspection when the work for which the inspection was scheduled is
<br />not complete at the time of the scheduled inspection. For valuation‐based building permits,
<br />this fee is not assessed the first time an inspection fails, and a re‐inspection is required.
<br />•When the address of the jobsite is not posted.
<br />•When the inspection record card is not posted or provided at the worksite.
<br />•When the approved plans are not readily available for the inspector.
<br />•When access to conduct the inspection is not provided.
<br />•When the inspector is not met by the individual responsible (no show).
<br />•When corrections are required to be re‐inspected for residential maintenance permits
<br />•When work completed has deviated from the approved plans without prior approval from
<br />the building inspections department.
<br />•Re‐inspection fees are due on or before the scheduled re‐inspection.
<br />•Payment shall be made payable to the Municipality
<br />$65.00
<br />Special Investigation
<br />•Applicable when work was started prior to obtaining any permit required by City Code.
<br />•This fee is due at the discretion of the City Manager, regardless of whether a permit is
<br />issued.
<br />100% of Permit Fee, in addition to original fee amount.
<br />Permit Renewal within 6 mos. of expiration (no plan changes, no code changes, new permit
<br />number 50% of the original Permit Fee
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