Commercial Electrical Permits
<br />$1 to $1,000 $50.00 per trip
<br />$1,001‐$2,000 $50.00 for the first $1,000 plus $3.25/additional $100 or fraction
<br />thereof, to including $2,000
<br />$2,001 to $25,000 $82.00 for the first $2,000 plus $14.85/additional $1,000 or
<br />fraction thereof, to including $25,000
<br />$25,001 to $50,000 $423.55 for the first $25,000 plus $10.70/additional $1,000 or
<br />fraction thereof, to including $50,000
<br />$50,001 to $100,000 $691.05 for the first $50,000 plus $7.45/additional $1,000 or
<br />fraction thereof, to including $100,000
<br />$100,001 to $500,000 $1,063.55 for the first $100,000 plus $6.00/additional $1,000 or
<br />fraction thereof, to including $500,000
<br />$500,001 to $1,000,000 $3,463.55 for the first $500,000 plus $5.10/additional $1,000 or
<br />fraction thereof, to including $1,000,000
<br />$1,000,001 and up $6,013.55 for the first $1,000,000 plus $4.00/additional $1,000 or
<br />fraction thereof
<br />Re‐Inspection fee (this in addition to all other charges)$50.00
<br />Special Investigation
<br />•Applicable when work was started prior to obtaining any permit required by City Code.
<br />•This fee is due at the discretion of the City Manager, regardless of whether a permit is
<br />issued
<br />100% of Permit Fee, in addition to original fee amount.
<br />Refunds issued only for permits over $100 80% of the fee reimbursed
<br />Mechanical Permits
<br />Residential (R 1, R 1A, and R 2)
<br />New Appliances $37.50 per appliance, $75 minimum
<br />Gas line only permit $75.00 includes all gas line
<br />Gas Fitting / Connection $50. 00 (with a mechanical permit / includes all gas lines /fittings
<br />Fixture maintenance (furnace, gas range, gas dryer, hot water heater, air conditioner, gas
<br />piping, duct work, Boiler, piping, hydronics systems, and the like activity requires a regular
<br />mechanical permit)
<br />$50 for first appliance, $75 for two appliances, additional $37.50
<br />for each additional appliance
<br />Add $50 Administrative fee and $1.00 surcharge to all permits
<br />All 3% of contract price
<br />Plan review fee 65% of permit fee
<br />Special Investigation
<br />•Applicable when work was started prior to obtaining any permit required by City Code.
<br />•This fee is due at the discretion of the City Manager, regardless of whether a permit is
<br />issued.
<br />100% of Permit Fee, in addition to 100% of Permit Fee, in addition
<br />to original fee amount.
<br />Permit Renewal within 6 mos. of expiration (no plan changes, no code changes, new
<br />permit number 50% of the original Permit Fee
<br />Refunds & Fee Adjustments
<br />Plan review No refund
<br />Building Maintenance Permit Fee No refund
<br />Permit Fee (work started)No refund
<br />Permit Fee (permit processed & ready to issue)80%
<br />Permit Fee (work not started & within 6 months of permit issuance)60%
<br />Inspections outside of normal business hours
<br />Includes travel time both ways
<br />$75.00/hr.
<br />$150.00 minimum
<br />Inspections for which no fee is indicated
<br />Miscellaneous and Special Services
<br />$75.00/hr.
<br />$37.50 minimum
<br />The minimum permit fee for commercial, industrial, institutional, or business occupancies is
<br />$20 plus state permit fee surcharge.
<br />Commercial, light industrial, and multi family (C, LI, R 3,and R‐4)
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