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November 26, 2024 St. Anthony Council Work Session - 4 <br />Councilmember Jenson referred to capital allocation costs up to $500,000. He is in favor of opening a <br />dispensary. He noted with the police department expansion another building expansion or a new <br />building is needed. He asked whether we have monies available for this. City Manager Yunker stated the <br />liquor fund has a large balance. The stores are 20 years old and some rehab is needed. It is too early to <br />determine if those funds could/should be used for the police department. Councilmember Jenson asked <br />if neighboring cities are seeking licenses. Liquor Manager Larson stated Columbia Heights is looking at a <br />dispensary. <br />Councilmember Doolan asked how the illegal markets would impact St. Anthony. Mr. Erley stated he has <br />not heard any specifics on illegal markets. <br />Councilmember Randle stated he is not in favor of this but if we are going to do it, we should be able to <br />control it which would cut down on some of the illegal sellers. <br />Mayor Webster stated we can control the quality of the product. <br />Councilmember Jenson stated we own the liquor store locations and is it recommended to lease or buy <br />property. Mr. Larson stated he does not like to pay lease rates but it may be the best thing to lease for <br />the first 5 years. Mr. Larson stated a lawsuit that was filed is slowing down this process. This will allow <br />more time for processing but he believes people want to buy products legally. <br />Councilmember Jenson asked if there are systems in place to ensure that the integrated supply chain is <br />selling product that is not laced with something else. Mr. Erley stated there are systems in place to <br />ensure quality products. <br />Councilmember Elnagdy asked if medical marijuana vendors have first dibs on recreational products. Mr. <br />Erley stated there is no preference for those sellers. She asked if there were more growers or will St. <br />Anthony be able to buy the same products as the medical growers produce. Mr. Erley stated there are <br />13 growers' licenses and 23 mezzo licenses. There may be some supply chain issues. <br />Councilmember Doolan asked about security in the stores and is the level of security for a dispensary <br />the same as for a liquor store. Mr. Erley stated it is increased for cannabis dispensary. Costs for <br />increased security are included in the $500,000. She asked if there is different training necessary for <br />staff and Mr. Erley stated it would be more training. <br />Councilmember Jenson stated he is glad Mr. Larson wants to proceed cautiously. <br />Councilmember Doolan noted this involves smoking and the goal of the Council is to reduce smoking. <br />She would like to understand more as the industry grows will this decrease liquor sales. <br />Mayor Webster stated this would be diversifying and research is showing long-term alcohol use would <br />be decreasing. Mr. Larson stated alcohol consumption is generational. <br />Mayor Webster thanked Mr. Erley and Mr. Larson for their presentation. <br />Future Work Sessions: <br />The next Work Session will be held on December 10, 2024, in the Council Chambers at 5:00 p.m. <br />5