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Memorandum <br />TO Saint Anthony Village Council <br />cc Charlie Yunker, Ashley, Morello, & Department Heads <br />FROM Sara A. Peterson <br />RE Preparation for 2025 Goal Setting <br />I am looking forward to seeing you again in a few weeks. <br />2025 Focus <br />As per usual, the 2025 goal setting retreat will reflect on 2024’s accomplishments and identify next steps for 2025. At the <br />same time, this is a continuation of a multi-year process to revise the City’s Strategic Pyramid – building on work in 2022-24. <br />To that end, we will have deep dive discussions related to the following. We will: <br />Clarify the meaning of each goal, specifically the future impact each seeks to achieve – what is success? <br />Align goals with our other plans (e.g., Climate, Comprehensive) <br />Identify and prioritize strategies within each, ensuring that we stay within the City’s scope of influence <br />Reality test the above against the City’s personnel, fiscal, and physical capacities <br />We will not revisit the structural changes already made to the pyramid in 2022-2024, nor will we revisit revisions to mission, <br />vision or values during this event. <br />Preparation <br />We are working on a number of items in preparation for our time together <br />Agenda: We will be meeting from 9 am – 12 pm Wednesday through Friday, January 15-17, 2025. Charlie, Ashley <br />and I are still discussing the specific agenda but will get it to you soon. <br />Work Session: Your Tuesday, December 10 session will include a preparatory conversation with staff. <br />Calls with Sara: As usual, I hope to speak with each of you individually in advance of the retreat so that your ideas, <br />concerns, and perspective can be part of my preparation. Please email me at <br />to set up a time. <br />Reading: This memo in preparation for both the December work session and our retreat. It contains a brief recap of <br />our process over the past few years. Charlie and his team will share a larger binder with you in January. <br />Worksheet: Also included in this memo is a worksheet for you. Please complete after the December 10 worksession. <br />It is intended to help clarify your thoughts and get everyone’s creative juices flowing – to start thinking about some <br />of the questions we will address during the retreat. <br />7