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Mission & Vision <br />The group revised the City’s mission, focusing on what the city does while avoiding trendy jargon. The result is a mission to <br />“Promote a high quality of life to those we serve, through outstanding city services.” <br />The group also revised the City’s mission, focusing on its ultimate and ongoing aspiration for Saint Anthony as a result of <br />mission. The result is a vision in which “Saint Anthony is a Village where all people can live, work, learn, play and thrive.” <br />Core Services <br />Since the revised mission refers to services, it was important to have a common understanding of and consistent <br />communication of core services They are not the same thing as City departments (i.e., organizational structure for providing <br />the services). The pyramid presents only big ideas but connotes a number of specifics. <br />HEADING INCLUDES <br />1.Public Safety Fire suppression, emergency and hazardous materials response. <br />Crime Prevention & Community problem-solving via Police Department <br />Risk Management, Emergency Communications, Inspections, Code Enforce. <br />2.Infrastructure & Amenities Effective and efficient design, construction, operation and maintenance of Parks, <br />Streets & Engineering, Water & Sewer, Facilities, Fleets, & Equipment <br />3.Planning & Permitting Rules/Ordinances, Economic Development, Land Use <br />4.SAV Wine & Spirits Substance Control, Civic Engagement <br />5.Communication & Engagement Promoting the Community and Elevating local interest and pride <br />6.Finance Finance includes: <br />Coordination and planning of all City financial information <br />Cost-effective financial and management services to the City <br />Budgeting, Revenues, Levies, Bonds, Fees, Liquor, Etc. <br />7.Administration Administration includes smooth operations, excellent customer service; robust <br />technology, workforce and culture <br />8.Citizen Governance City Council, Planning & Parks Commissions, boards and task forces <br />Goals <br />Similarly, there is a wealth of detail assumed under each of the goal headings. In 2023, the group thought of them as follows: <br />HEADING INCLUDES <br />Environmental Responsibility This touches all that we do but specifically encompasses the Climate Plan, <br />portions of the Comprehensive Plan, and Green Steps commitments <br />Thriving Village This combines past initiatives of goals relating to Thriving Neighborhoods & <br />Businesses, Welcome & Inclusion, Quality Infrastructure. Much of the <br />Comprehensive Plan falls under this heading. <br />Informed & Engaged Community This combines both sides of the relationship between community and City Hall: <br />Effective Communications and Civic Engagement. <br />Safe & Secure Community This is heavily influenced by service standards including 21st C. Policing, <br />Emergency Services, Street Safety, Mental Health, Community <br />Outreach/Education. <br />Fiscal & Organizational Strength Finally, this category assumes excellence at the organizational level, fiscal <br />stewardship, and transparent governance <br />9