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2023 ACFR
2023 ACFR
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12/9/2024 9:45:16 AM
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12/9/2024 9:43:59 AM
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Our mission is to be a progressive and welcoming <br />Village that is walkable, sustainable and safe <br />3301 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, MN 55418 612‐782‐3301 | <br />The City is served by Independent School District (ISD) #282 (St. Anthony), which has a <br />2022/2023 enrollment of approximately 1,816, operates one elementary school, a middle school <br />and senior high in the City. In addition, a private school, St. Charles Borromeo, offers K‐8 grade <br />education with enrollment of approximately 322 students. <br />The City operates as a statutory Council‐Manager form of government. Policy‐making and <br />legislative authority are vested in the City Council consisting of one elected mayor and four <br />elected council members. The City Council is responsible, among other things, for passing <br />ordinances, adopting the budget, appointing committees, and hiring the City Manager. The <br />City Manager is responsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances of the City Council, <br />overseeing the day‐to‐day operations of the City, and appointing the heads of the various <br />departments. The Council is elected on a non‐partisan basis. Council members serve four‐year <br />staggered terms, with two council members elected every two years. The Mayor is elected to <br />serve a four‐year term. <br />The City of St. Anthony provides a full range of services including administrative services; <br />police protection; fire suppression, prevention and medical responses; construction of capital <br />improvements; reconstruction and maintenance of city streets and other infrastructure; <br />distribution of water; sanitary sewer collection; storm water drainage; parks and recreational <br />activities; forestry maintenance; and environmental sustainability programs. <br />The St. Anthony Firefighters’ Relief Association is a separate legal entity, and accordingly is <br />excluded from this report. The St. Anthony Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), an <br />entity legally separate from the City, is governed by a board which includes the City Council. <br />Its sole purpose is to promote economic development within the City of St. Anthony. The HRA <br />is a component unit of the City and its financial transactions have been included in these <br />financial statements as a blended component unit. Additional information on both of these <br />legally separate entities can be found in Note 1(A) & 7(B) in the notes to the financial <br />statements. <br />The annual budget serves as the foundation for the City of St. Anthony’s financial planning and <br />control. All departments of the City of St. Anthony submit requests for appropriations to the <br />City Manager in June of each year. The City Manager uses these requests as the starting point <br />for developing the recommended budget. The City Manager then presents the recommended <br />budget to the City Council for their review prior to the certification of the proposed levy to the <br />County Auditors by September 30th. The City Council is required to hold public hearings on <br />the proposed budget and to adopt a final budget by December 31, the close of the City of St. <br />Anthony’s fiscal year. <br />4
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