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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br />December 17, 2024 <br />Page 3 <br />6.1 Others as identified. <br />2 <br />3 Monitor Emerging Planning Issues and Address as Needed. <br />4 <br />5 Mr. Grittman reviewed the Emerging Issues on the radar for 2025 along with Time Frame for <br />6 each. <br />7 <br />8 Commissioner Anderson stated the housing goals seem reasonable and she would like to see <br />9 where that goes. It is not a one-size-fits-all solution. City Planner Grittman stated that will be <br />10 monitored closely and the Planning Commission will be updated accordingly. <br />11 <br />12 Chair Socha referred to parking regulations for business and residential and how the trends are <br />13 changing. She asked Mr. Grittman for an update on what the regulations are currently. Mr. <br />14 Grittman stated the parking requirements were reviewed a few years ago and the attempt was <br />15 to tune them to research that was done. Some changes were made in the multi-family <br />16 residential and commercial areas. For residential the parking requirement is based on a per <br />17 bedroom basis rather than unit count. The general standard is 1.1 parking spaces per bedroom. <br />18 Staff will prepare a discussion in the future. <br />19 <br />20 Commissioner Anderson asked if there are requirements for parking in shade. Mr. Grittman <br />21 stated the code does not have requirements for green space in parking. There are impervious <br />22 standards but no standard for the amount of green space. The amount of surface parking for <br />23 multi-family units has been limited. <br />24 <br />25 Commissioner Anderson noted Mr. Grittman stated that compared to other cities in the area, <br />26 St. Anthony has a larger percentage of rental housing and asked if that includes multi-family <br />27 housing or single-family houses for rent. Mr. Grittman stated multi-family housing. There is a <br />28 modest percentage of single-family homes for rent in St. Anthony. Commissioner Anderson <br />29 referred to the lighting ordinances and asked if they relates to dark sky regulations. Mr. <br />30 Grittman stated we don’t have any standards in the code that limit the amount of lighting that <br />31 is produced that can spill over onto other properties. <br />32 <br />33 Chair Socha asked how many new planning commissioners will be joining the Commission in <br />34 January and Mr. Grittman stated there are two. They will receive some training and a refresher <br />35 for the entire Commission. Ms. Morello stated they will be presented the structure of the City <br />36 and how things work. Commissioner Anderson suggested the Met Council be reviewed also. <br />37 <br />38 Chair Socha asked about a grant received for transportation work. Ms. Morello stated they <br />39 applied for a grant, but they have not heard the result. If the grant is given, a Committee will <br />40 be formed to handle and a representative of the Planning Commission will serve on that <br />41 Committee. <br />42 <br />43 VI.COMMUNITY FORUM - NONE. <br />44 <br />45 No one appeared to address the Planning Commission. <br />46