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CC WS PACKET 02252025
City Council
City Council Work Session
CC WS PACKET 02252025
Entry Properties
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2/20/2025 2:47:27 PM
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2/20/2025 2:47:06 PM
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<br />PAGE | 3 OF 8 <br /> <br />Short-term rental property that is less than 500 feet from another such licensed property; and <br />(3) Rental periods may be for as little as one day, but rental contracts for any individual location <br />may only be issued once every 7 or 10 days, depending on whether the rental period is during <br />the winter (7 days) or summer (10 days). <br />An advantage of this approach is that the City is less directly involved in monitoring the length <br />of stay. “Creative” opportunities to work around this regulation are noted. The adopted <br />approach reduces the constant churn of new short-term tenants which, it turns out, was among <br />the most objectionable aspect of the prior licensing standard. <br />These factors, in addition to an extensive set of application and renewal requirements, have <br />resulted in a total of 10 licenses within the City of Roseville. Since the time of these regulations <br />(a little over one year) the city staff reports no further problems with this use. They related <br />that complaints, police calls, and other problems have largely been extinguished since the new <br />language has been adopted. <br />Accompanying this memorandum is a proposed ordinance for review and discussion, based <br />largely on the Roseville model now in effect. A separate memorandum is also included which <br />discusses the specific elements of the proposed ordinance. It should be noted that this <br />ordinance references long-term rental licensing as a baseline. Staff has been working through <br />St. Anthony’s rental licensing regulations and has recommendations for updating that would be <br />incorporated into the short-term licensing. <br /> <br />Long Term Rental. Policy direction for long-term rental housing has posed greater difficulties in <br />identifying a consensus strategy. Issues and discussion have included (1) Working toward the <br />creation of affordable housing opportunities; (2) Identifying strategies that can foster “Naturally <br />Occurring Affordable Housing” (NOAH), through home ownership; (3) Balancing impacts of <br />market influences with local regulations; (4) Potential use of outside agencies or strategies that <br />could realistically assist St. Anthony in reaching its goals as they may be defined. <br />Affordable housing efforts are being pursued on various fronts, including investigation of <br />opportunities for development of the City-owned site on Stinson Boulevard and other projects. <br />In the rental context, the City has focused largely on if and how the City might consider <br />limitations on rental of its single family housing stock. An outline of an ordinance approach is <br />provided below, with ordinance language to be developed once there is general agreement on <br />the various elements to be included. <br />First, we have summarized some housing facts for the City, in comparison to a metro-wide <br />average. Estimates of these numbers often vary, but these represent an average of the data <br />sources. <br />1. The number of single family dwellings that are being rented long-term in the City has <br />ranged from the high 50s to mid-60s over the past few years. This is from a single family <br />housing stock of approximately 2,000 units – a percentage at 3% of single family homes, <br />7
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