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Name and address of former owner: o ____ <br />Date purchased: <br />Amount of down payment: <br />Who currently holds the mortgage—narne and address <br />Tenn of morteage: <br />Rote oPnaeresC on mortgage: <br />State mouttily payment at which the mortgage and/or <br />contract £or deed is being liquidated: <br />Purchase price: <br />Amount of Contract for Deed: <br />Who currently holds contract for deed —name and address: <br />Tenor of Contact for Deed: <br />Rate ofinterest on Contract for. Deed: <br />Ase the payments on the mortgage and/or contract for deed <br />up to date? _Yes No <br />State the amount of the investment that fhe applicant has in the business premises, futures, Bunuture, stock in trade, etc. <br />(Attach supporting proof of the source ofsuch money) <br />Give ibc full names date -of -birth addresscs, Telephonena ebeis of llpersons, other ihtla d,e apphcatu; wh,o have any <br />finatr �'1 interest ii the business, buildings pt r.mses, iwt>�es, fiunitve, or stock>,u s ada Suatc Yhc nature o the interest <br />amount thereof, and the terms for payment for or other rehsibarsement. (This shah include, but not be limited. to, any <br />lessees, lessors, mortgagors, lenders, lien holders, trustees, tustors and persons who have co-signed notes or otherwise <br />loaned, pledged, or extended security for any indebtedness of the applicant.) A release form is necessary for allpersons <br />who have financial interest in the business. /v/q <br />Full Name:: First Middle Last DOB <br />Address: <br />Phone number: work ore <br />Nahne of interest, etc. <br />:Gull Name:: Rust Middle Last DOB <br />Address: <br />Phone number K'or: Home: <br />Nature of interest, etc. <br />Full Name:: First Middle Last DOB <br />Address: ---- — — <br />Phone number work Home: <br />Nature of interest, etc. <br />If this Application is for premises either planned or trader construction or undergoing substantial alteration, the <br />application shall be accompanied by a sett of preliminary plans showing the design of the proposed premises to be <br />licensed. <br />