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24 <br />VII. TERA/I OF AGREEMENT. This agreement will be effective upon execution by the City <br />and by appropriate State officials, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, and. <br />will remain in effect for three (3) years from the effective date or until all obligations set <br />forth to this agreement have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. <br />VIII. TERMINATION. This agreement may be terminated by the City or MDMOT at any <br />time, with or without cause, upon ninety (90) days written notice to the other party. Such <br />termination will not remove any unfulfilled financial obligations of the City as set forth in <br />this Agreement. In the event of such a termination the City will be entitled to <br />reimbursement for Mn/DOT-approved federally eligible expenses incurred for work <br />satisfactorily p6rf0rlred on the Project to the date of termination subject to the terms of <br />this agreement. <br />(Nn/ OT AgreemenC No. 87625) <br />Page 8 <br />