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31 <br />200.08 City Attorney. All City matters referred to the City Attorney shall be referred to the <br />Attorney through the City Manager; provided, however, that a Councilmember may contact the <br />City Attorney directly for advice on, or preparation of, an ordinance, resolution or motion which <br />the Corulcilmember desires to consider or introduce at a Council meeting. In connection with <br />any such request from a Councilmember, the City Attorney shall keep a record indicating the <br />none of the Councilmember, the date the request was made and the subject matter of the request. <br />The Attorney will from time to time, and when requested, submit a copy of the record to the <br />Council. <br />200.09 Expenses of the Council. A11 claims for reimbursement of expenses by members of the <br />Council must be approved by the Council before payment of the claim by the 'Lrcasurer. A <br />written report of the proceedings of all meetings, conferences, schools and other similar events <br />attended by a Councilmember for which expenses are claimed shall be submitted to the Council. <br />200.10 Information to Residents. No Councilmember will submit, send or cause to be <br />distributed, at City expense, for general distribution, any written material pertaining to or <br />referring to any policy of the City, or indication of the Council's general feeling or position with <br />respect to any City matter, or action taken by the Council, without prior approval of the Council. <br />200.11 Suspension or Amendment of Rules. The rules set forth in this Chapter, or any part of <br />them, may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of all the Councilmembers. The rules <br />may not be repeated or amended except by a majority vote of the whole Council ager notice has <br />been given at a preceding regular Council meeting. <br />200.12 Mayor and Councilmember Salaries <br />Subd. 1. Mayan The salary of the Mayor is $498-00 $550.00 per month. <br />Subd. 2. Mayor pro tem.. The salary of the Mayor pro tem is $495.00 per month. <br />Subd. 3. Cormcilmembers. The salary of each Councilmember other than the Mayor or <br />Mayor pro tem is $-3400 $440.00 per month. <br />Subd. 4. Duration. The salaries established in this Section will remain in effect until <br />amended in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 415.11. <br />Section 205 - BILLING AND COLLECTION <br />205.01 Duties of Cleric The Clerk will compute, give notice of and collect all charges and bills <br />owing to the City. <br />205.02 Notice. The Clerk will give notice of the due date of any charge or bill owing to the City <br />by depositing in the U.S. mail with postage prepaid a notice directed and addressed to the last <br />known address of the person inhabiting or owning the property against which the charge is made, <br />at least 15 days prior to the due date. <br />