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CC PACKET 05102005
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CC PACKET 05102005
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Q <br />Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting Minutes <br />April 12, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />Motion carried unaniYnoersly. <br />3 IV. STAFF REPORTS, <br />4 Ms. Kvilvang gave a verbal report. She stated the For Sale housing is growing and the results of <br />5 the Parade of Homes are pleasing. Rental housing is going up quickly with many units being <br />6 pre -leased for the first time. The second bid for the second phase of 39`x' Avenue should be ready <br />7 for submission soon. She said that construction is anticipated to start in June. She noted the bids <br />8 for the Pond, or Park Improvement Center, came in slightly over budget. The decision is being <br />9 made of where costs can be reduced without compromising the integrity. She said she anticipates <br />10 construction beginning this summer. The maintenance agreements at the Pond will be <br />I 1 incorporated. She said the types of uses for the big park in the center must be appropriate, and <br />12 the rules are under development. Applications will be made at the city level. The commercial <br />13 developer will provide maintenance assistance. <br />1.4 <br />15 ibis. IC,vilvang noted that commercial development is going up quickly, with many businesses <br />16 already open. Several other tenants are negotiating and one user is negotiating in the office <br />17 space. She anticipated that the facility is about 80 percent leased. Landscaping has begun. The <br />18 weather helped that begin faster. <br />19 <br />20 She reported that the financing has been doing well, and projects have been coming in under <br />21. budget. The deadline for a development agreement is near with regard to Phase II. She said the <br />22 preliminary draft is in, with a few blanks that must yet be filled in. Phase 11 is predominantly <br />23 housing, and she said it should be assured that what is being developed is a Long-term solution. <br />24 She said as each place opens, there will be a celebration. 'The summer will be a series of <br />25 celebrations. <br />26 <br />27 She noted that there is a private award awarded to real estate developers. Silver Lake Village has <br />28 been nominated for this award. Awards will be handed out at the end of this month. <br />29 <br />30 Commissioner Thuesen asked if the verbal commitment for the For Sale housing is as expected. <br />31 Ms. Kvilvang said there have been monetary commitments and it is ahead of schedule currently. <br />32 Commissioner Thuesen questioned if the verbal commitment for commercial property is as <br />33 expected. Ms. Kvilvang said that has been going very well. <br />34 <br />35 Chair Faust asked if the park is going to be named Shalom Park He said there was no issue with <br />36 that in the Committee meeting. He said it is the designers' decision to determine its location. <br />37 <br />38 Chair Faust said if there is an issue with the trash, he said the City will assist the developer. He <br />39 noted there are many plastic bags in this area, which can migrate from quite a distance. He also <br />40 pointed out that the seniors can call City Hall for the senior housing numbers. <br />41 <br />42 Mr. Morrison said the tentative date for reconstruction of 39`x' Avenue is June 20 to September <br />43 30, and the road will be closed during this time. <br />44 <br />
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