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Wellhead Protection <br />Plan- Part II <br />July 26, 2005 <br />Introduction <br />m The purpose of the Wellhead Protection <br />(WHP) Plan is to reduce the potential for <br />contamination of public water supply. <br />-■ The St. Anthony WHP applies to City Wells <br />3, 4, and 5. <br />m A Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) is the <br />area of an aquifer that provides water to a <br />public well. <br />DWSMAs <br />m Drinking Water Supply Management Areas <br />(DWSMAs) represent the administrative <br />boundaries of the surface and subsurface <br />area to be managed by the WHP plan. <br />■ The vulnerability of the DWSMAs to <br />contamination was assessed based on the <br />geologic sensitivity of the aquifer and on <br />relevant groundwater chemical data. <br />m The vulnerability of the St. Anthony <br />DWSMA was found to be low to moderate. <br />