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The Honorable Mayor, City Council and Staff <br />July 21, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />N 66 <br />The MCES is currently developing a surcharge program that is proposed to begin in 2007 for <br />communities not meeting their UI goals. One possible scenario is the City would be charged <br />$52,000 per year for a five year period if the I/I goals are not being met. The specifics of the <br />surcharge program are anticipated to be completed by the end of September. <br />The City has completed a number of activities to reduce the flow of clear water into the sanitary <br />sewer system. These activities include: <br />1, point of Sale Removal: Mandatory inspection and. disconnection of illegal foundation <br />and sump pump G(nuiecti.ons at the tune homes are sold. <br />2. Public Education Program: -]'he City began a public education program in 2001 aimed <br />at informing the City's residents of the impacts of 1/I entering the sanitary sewer system. <br />The program shows how I/1 affects the home owner through sewer basement backups, <br />cost associated with the treatment of UI, and impacts to the environment. The City has <br />administered this program through distributing educational brochures, conducting five <br />Public Informational meetings, and conducting 1/I presentations each year as part of the <br />street reconstruction program. <br />3. Teclinieal and Inspection Assistance to Property Owners: The City has provided <br />technical and. inspection assistance to property owners to support the voluntary removal. <br />program. The assistance helps educate and motivate home owners to disconnect sump <br />pumps or passive drain the from the sanitary sewer system.. <br />4. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Trojects: Over the past ten years, the City has <br />improved its sanitary sewer systern through the replacement of approximately 7 miles of <br />clay pipe with PVC sewer pipe. The sewer improvements have reduced infiltration of <br />clear water entering the sewer systeni by replacing damaged and deteriorated sewer pipes <br />and manholes. <br />5. Resolved blooding Issues: The City's flood prevention projects over the past eight <br />years have reduced street and home flooding. The reduced street flooding prevents clear <br />water inflow through the tops of sanitary manholes. The prevention of home flooding <br />has reduced the amount of inflow through the home floor drains and tile systems. <br />If the I/I goals are not being met in the future, the City may have to implement other UI reduction <br />measures including; <br />1. Door to door inspections, perhaps in conjunction with the water meter replacement. <br />2. Adjust sanitary sewer fees for residents with illegal sump pump and passive drain tile <br />connections. <br />The activities currently being undertaken by the City have shown a reduction in the amount of <br />clear water I/I entering the sanitary sewer system, and is recommended that the current I/I <br />reduction plan continue. Should the City desire to reduce UI to meet the MCES goal by 2007, <br />h J IfP19INN 1065-571'005,092105 M,,, 0 iy Smffd , <br />