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CITY OUST ANTHONY <br />RESOLUTION No: 05-072 <br />A RESOLUTION SETTING THE CITY OF ST. ANTHONY PR ROSED 2006 TAX LEVY <br />AND BUDGET N COMPLIANCE WITH THE TRUTH 1N TAXATION ACT <br />WIBREAS, State Law requires that the City of St. Anthony provide Hennepin <br />and Ramsey Counties with a proposed certified 2006 tax levy <br />and budget; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council discussed the proposed 2006 budgeting goals at its March. 14, <br />2005, work session, held a Public Hearing on April 26, 2005 and fiurther discussed <br />the 2006 budget and levy at its August 1 st, 2005, work session; and <br />WHEREAS, the furnishing of this proposed tax levy and budget is made contingent upon any <br />revisions being allowed if the current law is modified; and <br />WHEREAS, the General Fund levy is the same as the 2005 levy, and the approved levy is less <br />than Minnesota Department of Revenues requirement to hold a Truth -in - <br />Taxation public hearing; and <br />WHEREAS, the City is not required to hold a Truth-in=laxation public hearing, the December <br />Council meetings will be held at their regularly scheduled date and times. <br />NOW, "CI IL?REl'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: <br />I) The collectible' 2006 proposed property tax levy is: <br />General Fund Property Tax Levy $ 2,488,357.00 <br />Road Improvement Levy $ 751,492.01 <br />Certificate of Indebtedness — Fire Truck $ 88,100.00 <br />Lease .Revenue Bonds/Public Facilities $ 392,737.00 <br />Housing & Redevelopment Authority Levy $ 55,500.00 <br />Tax Abatement Levy - Central Park Bonds S 29,271.00 <br />PERA Rate Increase Levy $ 7 500 00 <br />Total 2006 Proposed Tax Levy $3,812,957.01 <br />2) The 2006 General Fund Proposed Budget totals $4,177,500 <br />Adopted this 13Th -day of September, 2005 <br />ATTEST: <br />City Clerk <br />Reviewed for Administration: <br />Mayor <br />City Manager <br />IN <br />