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CC PACKET 10252005
City Council
City Council Packets
CC PACKET 10252005
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Last modified
7/30/2015 11:53:55 AM
Creation date
5/7/2014 3:40:30 PM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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Publication Newspaper
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2. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED <br />M <br />a. The CITY will operate its Recycling program as more fully described in the Grant <br />Application that was submitted by the CITY and kept on 'tile with the COUNTY. <br />The CITY agrees to submit an updated Grant Application each year of the term of <br />this Agreement in order to be eligible for future grant funds. "The terms of the <br />Grant Application, as updated each year, are incorporated herein by reference. <br />b. In addition to the services referred to above, the CITY agrees as follows: <br />On an annual basis, the CITY must demonstrate that the averagc pounds of <br />recyclables collected from households participating in their curbside . <br />I ".mycling pzooram must equal or surpass the 2004 base year <br />figure. The base yeas .f gore is determined by dividing total pounds of <br />recyclables collected in 2004 by the total number of households <br />participating in the curbside recycling program in 2004. Failure to achieve <br />this annual goal will rosalt in the rquire t -Ll: teat a plan be scflDmi"od. f ;. <br />COUNTY approval that specifics the effort's the CITY will undertake to <br />increase the recycling percentage within 90 days of the submittal of the <br />nu nicipal year-end report. <br />2. At a minimum, the ,CITY shall collect the following materials at curbside: <br />a. Newspaper and advertising supplements; <br />b. Corrugated cardboard; <br />G. Clear, brown, and green glass food and beverage containers; <br />d. Metal food and beverage containers; <br />C. All plastic bottles with a neck, except bottles that previously <br />contained hazardous materials or motor oil; <br />f. Magazines and catalogs; <br />g. Mixed paper; and. <br />h. Boxboard. <br />3. The CITY must estimate its participation rate in the curbside recycling <br />program during the month of October. Methodology for measuring <br />participation must be approved by the COUNTY. <br />4. The CITY shall submit, on forms provided by the COUNTY, a Final 2005 <br />Report by February 15, 2006; a Final 2006 Report by February 15, 2007; <br />and a Final 2007 Report by February 15, 2008. <br />All grant finds accepted by the CITY from the COUNTY pursuant to this <br />Agreement shall be used to operate its Recycling program, including <br />2 <br />
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