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«, <br />10. I) IT i?Aui;.r AND CANCELLATION <br />a. If the CITY fails to perform any of the provisions of this Agreement or so fails to <br />administer the work as to endanger the performance of the Agreement, this shall <br />constitute a default. Unless the City's default isexcused bytb.e COUNTY, the <br />COUNTY may upon written notice immediately cancel this Agreement in its <br />entirety. Additionally, failure to comply with the terms of this Agrecment shall be <br />just cause for the COUNTY for delaying payment until the City's compliance. Iii <br />the event of a decision to withhold payment, the COUNTYshall furnish prior <br />written notice to the CITY. <br />b. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreemorrt to the contrary, the CITY shall <br />not be relieved of liability to the COUNTY for damages sustained,by the <br />COUNTY by virtue of any breach of this Agreement by the CITY. <br />C. l!pon early termination or cancellation of this Agreement, the CI'T'Y shall itemize <br />any and all grant funds expenditmcs up to the date of termination or cancellation <br />and tum Such grant: f , '3s no' yei: expended. <br />d. The above remedies shall be in addition to any other right or remedy available to <br />the COUNTY under this contract, law, statute, rule, and/or equity. <br />C, The COUNTY's failure to insist upon strict performance of any provision or to <br />exercise any right under this Agreement shall not be deemcd a relinquishment or <br />waiver of the same, unless consented to in writing. Such consent shall not <br />constitute a general waiver or relinquishment throughout the entire term of the <br />Agreement. <br />1'. This Agreement may be canceled wiiJ,n or without cause by either party upon thirty <br />(30) days' written notice. <br />g. - In the event the COUNTY does not receive any SCORE funds, this Agreenent <br />will be terminated upon written notice by the COUNTY. <br />11. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION <br />In order to coordinate the services of the CITY with the activities of the Department of <br />Environmental Services so as to accomplish the purposes of this contact, Carl Michaud, <br />Solid Waste and Recycling Program Manager, or his or her successor, shall manage this <br />contact on behalf of the COUNTY and serve as liaison between the COUNTY and the <br />CITY. <br />