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MI <br />To: Mayor and Councilmernbers Report No.: VI_B <br />City Manager <br />From: Kim Moore -Sykes, Assistant City Manager <br />Date: November 22, 2005 <br />Subject: Wireless Internet Connectivity Feasibility Study <br />Regrcested Action: Consider adopting Resolution 05-091 to provide for a feasibility study to <br />assess the City's connectivity needs for a wireless Internet system citywide. <br />t34ckgronnd_ At a worksession on June 2, 2005 City Staff presented information to the City <br />Council on wireless Internet (Wi Fi). Council had indicated an interest in this technology because <br />several areas in the Community are not currently being serviced with Broadband Internet, <br />including one City department:. As a result of the information presented at this worksession, the <br />City Councilasked that Cheryl Johnson and Tom Asp, representatives from. Vichow/I rause be <br />invited to do a presentation before the City Council. <br />At a worksession in August, Ms. Johnson and Mr. Asp provided information about wireless <br />systems and discussed specific connectivity issues that the City would need to consider before <br />installing a Wi Fi system. Staff presented an update to the wireless Internet at the November 1st <br />worskession and was directed to contact Virchow/Krause to invite thorn to submit a formal. RFP <br />for conducting a feasibility study. <br />In contacting Ms. Johnson, Staff was informed that she and Mr. Asp are no longer associated with <br />Virchow/Krause. Apparently Virchow/Krause decided to remain strictly a financial consultant <br />and sold their telecommunications division to Columbia Telecommunications Corporation, which <br />does specialize in felecormnunications engineering and analysis. Ms. Johnson and Mr. Asp are <br />retained by Columbia 'Telecommunications as two of: their principle analysts and will be heading <br />up the team performing the proposed feasibility study for the City of St. Anthony. <br />On November 16, 2005 Staff received an updated proposal of: total fees and expenses at $14,500 for <br />the Scope of Services as itemized in the proposal, with a completion date of March 2006. <br />Included with this Staff Report is a copy of the proposal as submitted by Ms. Johnson and Mr. Asp. <br />Attachments: <br />® Proposal For Wireless Connectivity Feasibility Study <br />112205 council Stf Rpt WiN Feasibility Study.doc <br />