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Through an inventory and analysis of activities, costs, tracking, monitoring etc. linked to <br />education and outreach, this project will provide: <br />1) a management plan that uses existing and current information to adapt to changing <br />conditions; <br />2) training opportunities for staff, <br />3) recommendations for improving equipment to increase efficiencyr improve water quality; <br />4) resources and recommendations to assist staff in purchasing bestactical equipment; <br />5) new "no parking" signs for street sweeping that bear clean wwt irx p,essages; <br />6) signage for street sweepers promoting clean water; <br />7) develop media communications (for example, feature irievsletter, tv) and; <br />8) recognize and promote the Saint Anthony's model t gigue°'of Minne°Cities (LMC). <br />Potential Partners & Stakeholders <br />The northern part of Saint Anthony falls within <br />District (RCWD.) The MWMO will explore of <br />resources with RCWD. <br />The Urban Water Quality advisor from thME <br />interest in this project. He sees possibilitiey <br />associated with quantifying loadings originat <br />An integratedladaptive model of <br />the League of Minnea�Cities. ". <br />Additional resources <br />Rice Creek <br />leverage <br />of Ae has expressed an <br />on V-- ale research projects <br />type should be of interest to other cities and <br />as thisobject is implemented. <br />Fundingvbe <br />A sumI4 of the budget appears as -Table, 1, Both the city and MWMO will commit staff <br />resources�.the project. Orl equipment, materials, and those costs that cannot be addressed by <br />existing work plans are itemized. <br />Saint Anthony `w <br />The City will cove , ,'n paAty costs (75%) of a new, mechanical broom street sweeper. City <br />staff plan, coordinate ' nplenient street and sidewalk management activities (sweeping, snow <br />and ice removal, cons ction and maintenance). <br />MWMO <br />The MWMO will contribute to the purchase of a new street sweeper (not to exceed the lesser of <br />either 25% of the purchase price or $30,000); purchase automated sampling equipment, and <br />initiate baseline stormwater sampling in Saint Anthony a few years earlier than planned. <br />Monitoring will 1) expand MWMO monitoring to include Saint Anthony, 2) characterize <br />conditions and track changes to meet future regulatory obligations, 3) provide information about <br />33 <br />