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CC PACKET 06122007
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CC PACKET 06122007
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7/30/2015 10:50:59 AM
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5/7/2014 2:21:57 PM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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City Code Chapter Amendment
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34 <br />premises. This requirement shall be established by an affidavit of the licensee on a form <br />provided by the Clerk. The affidavit shall be given with each application for issuance or <br />renewal on a Wine License or an On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License, or at other times as the <br />Clerk may request. If the application is for the renewal of a Wine License or an On -Sale <br />Intoxicating Liquor License, the affidavit shall also include the actual percentage of gross <br />receipts attributable to the sale of food during the immediately preceding 12 month period. The <br />Clerk shall require that any such affidavit be verified and confirmed, on a form provided by the <br />Clerk, by a Certified Public Accountant. Failure or refusal of a licensee to give such affidavit <br />with such application, or on request of the Clerk, or any false statement in any such affidavit, <br />shall be grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of all licenses held by such licensee. <br />J. In the case of an application for a Temporary On -Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License or <br />Temporary Wine License, the applicant shall provide evidence satisfactory to the Clerk that the <br />applicant complies with the requirements of Section 1000.08 as to being a qualified corporation <br />or organization; <br />K. Any other information deemed necessary by the Manager to undertake consideration <br />of the application. <br />1000.06 Consideration of Application Public Hearing. The provisions of Section 500 of this Code <br />shall apply to all licenses required by Section 1000.04 and to the holders of such licenses, provided that <br />all licenses shall be granted or denied by the City Council and the Commissioner, if required by State <br />law. The City Council shall conduct a public hearing on the application for a new On -Sale Intoxicating <br />Liquor License within a reasonable period following receipt of a complete application and completion <br />of the investigation required by Section 1000.05. A notice of the date, time, place and purpose of the <br />hearing shall be published once in the official newspaper not less than ten days before the date of the <br />hearing. After hearing the oral and written views of all interested persons, the Council shall make its <br />decision at the same meeting or at a specified future meeting. No hearing shall be required for the <br />renewal or the transfer of an On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor license. <br />1000.07 Fees. <br />Subd. 1 Application Fee. The annual license application fee shall be the amount set forth in <br />Section 615.06 of this Code. When a new Wine License or On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License <br />is issued for a portion of a year, the annual license application fee shall be prorated at the rate of <br />one twelfth of the license fee per month or portion of a month remaining in the license year at <br />the time of application. The annual license application fee for a Wine License or for an On -Sale <br />Intoxicating Liquor License may be refunded, less costs incurred by the City as determined by <br />the Clerk, in the event that the application is withdrawn by the applicant or denied by the <br />Council. <br />Subd. 2 Refunds. A monthly pro -rata share of the annual license fee for a Wine License or an <br />On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License issued pursuant to this Section may be refunded, less the <br />cost of issuance as determined by the Clerk, if. <br />A. The business permanently ceases to operate; <br />13. The license is transferred to a new licensee in accordance with Section <br />1000.13 and the City receives a license fee for the remainder of the license term from the <br />transferee; or <br />
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