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33 <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br />RESOLUTION 07-061 <br />A RESOLUTION AWARDING A IIID FOR TREE REMOVAL <br />ON SILVER LAKE ROAD <br />WHEREAS, The City of St. Anthony has solicited bids for the removal of trees on Silver Lake <br />Road to allow for the undergrounding of private utilities, the following bids were <br />received complying with the solicitation: <br />Contractor Total Bid <br />To be provided following receipt of bids on 08/09/07 <br />WHEREAS, it appears that <br />is the lowest responsible bidder. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, of the City Council of the City of St. Anthony: <br />That the Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract <br />with in the amount of $ in the name of the City <br />of St. Anthony, Minnesota for the improvement outlined in the above -referenced project <br />according to the solicitation for bids. <br />ZdCourrcll Mcelinga12001108140TBenvhnlon 07061 tree reaioial.doe <br />